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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1971' <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida met in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida <br />on Wednesday, March 24, 1971 at 8:30 o'clock A. M. Present were <br />Richard P. Bogosian, Chairman; Alma Lee Loy, Vice Chairman; D. B. <br />McCullers, Jr.; Jack U. Dritenbas and Edward J. Massey. Also present <br />were Jack G. Jennings, County Administrator; Paul D. Burch, Attorney <br />to the Board; and Ralph H. Stewart and Janet N. Turpan, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked if there <br />• <br />were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular <br />meeting of March 10. Commissioner Dritenbas requested correction of <br />the spelling of passenger on Page 2, Paragraph 2. Commissioner <br />Massey requested that on Page 13, paragraph 5, the words " second of <br />Commissioner McCullers" be changed to read "second of Commissioner <br />Massey". These corrections having been made, Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Loy, second by Commissioner Dritenbas, and the minutes <br />of the regular meeting of March 10 were unanimously approved as <br />corrected. <br />Dewey Walker, County Zoning Inspector, reported on zoning <br />violations. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Loy, second of Commissioner Massey, <br />the Board unanimously voted approval for advertisement for public <br />hearing for a zoning, change for Wellford Hardee and Tam Moody. <br />On Motion of Commissioner McCullers, second of Commissioner <br />Massey, the Board unanimously voted approval for advertisement for <br />public hearing for a zoning change as requested by Leon Knight. <br />On Motion by Commissioner McCullers, second by Commissioner <br />Massey, the Board unanimously gave tentative approval of a zoning <br />change as requested by Margaret Benedetto. <br />I� <br />on Motion of Commissioner McCullers, second of Commissioner <br />i <br />Dritenbas, the Board unanimously extended the time limit on a zoning <br />change, given to Henry Don_atelli for a one year period. <br />--- - - --- MAR 2 4 1971 <br />