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7/23/2015 8:53:25 AM
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6/8/2015 3:53:12 PM
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moneys they may have in -their possession or custody with such banking company; but shall <br />not be required to do so by virtue thereof.'t The 'Pero Beach Bank & Trust Compaay having <br />been duly declared a depository of such Funds of -the county; and it appearing that tran- <br />sfers in question were made by officers of this Board from one county depository to <br />another, I do not find where; in my opinion, any laws hes been violated in connection <br />therewith* ley investigation shows that on Tuly 13; 1928, the day before the first trans- <br />fer <br />fer of funds from other depositories to the Vero Beach Bank & gust Company, there was ox <br />deposit in all funds of the county In that institution the sum of $15193620-11P and that <br />on October 30, 1928, being the day on which said institution closed its doors there was <br />on deposit therein to the credit of the county in all funds $128;929427; which means; <br />that notwithstanding the transfer of county funds between the dates mentioned of -$23;5099' <br />as shown in the report of the investigating committee, there was $22;432.84 less in that <br />institution to the credit of the county when it closed than there was on the day prior <br />to the first transfer of funds, which means that there was less than $1100 of the amount <br />so transferred left in the Vero Beach -Bank & gust Company when it closed, so that in- <br />stead of there being a question of loss to the county by reason of the transfer of funds <br />In the amount of $230500900p a complete check of the situation reveals that the amount <br />actually involved is less than $1100940. Your attention is also directed to the fact <br />that at the time of the closing of the Farmers Bank there was on deposit in that inti, <br />tion $1549764.82, while as already stated at -the time of the closing of the Vero Beach <br />Bank & gust Company there was on deposit therein to the credit of the county in all f <br />the sum -of $1289929.27; or a total of -$25;835.55 less than there was on deposit in the <br />Farmers Bank at the time of the closing of that institution. <br />6. The next question taken up by the report of the investiggting:400zrmittee has <br />to do with the contract between this Board and the Florida Road Oiling Company., I have <br />before me one of the original copies of that contract, which contains the original prow <br />e <br />posal of the Florida Road Oiling Company, which proposal is signed by L. W. .11er its <br />presidents, which signature appears in the handwriting of Mr. Biller, but the proposal <br />appears to have been filled out in a handwriting other than that of -Br. Miller, and <br />I am advised that said proposal was prepared and is in the handwriting of one R. G, <br />Franks who was then in the employ of the Florida Road Oiling Company, and who made the <br />affidavit referred to in the report of the investigating committee in which he states <br />that the Florida Road Oiling -Company meed to do the work for 9* cents per square yard, <br />and that the price was changed to 12 cents for the reason that John H. Atkin, then <br />I <br />chairman of the Board, was a stockholder in the Florida Road Oiling Company. The <br />original proposal appearing$ as I am advised; in the handwriting of the same mm who <br />i <br />made this affidavit, contains the proposal to the county for the work to be done at the. <br />N price of 12 cents per square yard. The figures 1912 cents" appear therein clearly; plain, <br />ly and legibly and the same do not appear to have been tampered with and the whole thing <br />is entirely too plain for any mistakes to be made therein, and shows that.the original <br />proposal made by the Florida Road Oiling Company to the county through its president, <br />Hr. Miller, and as I am informed in the handwriting of its bookkeeper, Wro Franks, was <br />at and for the price of 12 cents per square -yard. -This copy of said contract has been <br />in the possession of Wc. Do L. Leishert County Engineer, since the time of its execution <br />,and was by him delivered to me at my request during my investigation of this situation <br />since the matter has been referred to me by the Board. Br. Leisher states to me that <br />there never was any other price mentioned or considered in connection with this work <br />other than 12 cents. The bid itself is public property and any person examining it can <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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