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A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> J . R . SMITH , CLERK <br /> (A) . The AGENCY shall be responsible for assuring , that any existing utilities within the <br /> Project limits are not impacted. If any utilities are impacted the AGENCY shall remain <br /> responsible for obtaining all applicable permits or agreements from the utility applicable. <br /> (o) The AGENCY shall follow the minimum level of maintenance guidelines as set forth in <br /> FDOT' S Rule Chapter 1440 Highway Beautification and Landscape Management, in the <br /> FDOT Guide to Roadside Mowing and Maintenance Management System, and Exhibit C <br /> Maintenance Plan for maintenance activities for landscape projects. <br /> 2 . The AGENCY agrees to maintain the landscape improvements as defined as : plantings, <br /> irrigation, and/or hardscape areas outside the travel way to the right of way line by <br /> periodic pruning, mowing, fertilizing, weeding, curb and sidewalk edging, litter pickup <br /> and � necessary replanting; sweeping and/or repair following the DEPARTMENT'S <br /> landscape safety and plant care guidelines and Exhibit C Maintenance Plan. <br /> Such maintenance to be provided by the AGENCY is specifically set out as follows: to <br /> maintain means the proper watering and fertilization of all Project plants and keeping <br /> them as free as practicable from disease and harmful insects; properly mulching the <br /> planting beds; keeping the premises free of weeds; mowing the grass to the proper <br /> height; properly pruning all plants which at a minimum includes: ( 1 ) removing dead or <br /> diseased parts of plants, (2) pruning such parts thereof to provide clear visibility to <br /> signage or for thoseusing the roadway and or sidewalk, (3) preventing any other <br /> potential roadway hazards. Plants shall be those items which would be scientifically <br /> classified as plants and include but are not limited to trees, shrubs, groundcover and sod. <br /> To maintain also means removing or replacing dead or diseased plants in their entirety, or <br /> removing or replacing those that fall below original project standards. All plants <br /> removed for whatever reason shall be replaced by plants of' the same size and grade as <br /> specified in the original plans and specifications. To maintain also means keeping the <br /> hardscape areas free from weeds and repairing said hardscape as is necessary to prevent a <br /> safety hazard. To maintain also means keeping litter removed from the Project. <br /> If it becomes necessary to provide utilities (water/electricity) to the Project, all costs <br /> associated with accent lighting and irrigation installation, maintenance, fees and <br /> connections as well as on-going cost of the utility are the AGENCY' S responsibility. <br /> The above named functions to be performed by the AGENCY may be subject to <br /> periodic inspections by the DEPARTMENT at the discretion of the DEPARTMENT. <br /> Such inspection findings will be shared with the AGENCY and shall be the basis of all <br /> decisions regarding repayment, reworking, or Agreement termination. The AGENCY <br /> shall not change or deviate from said plans without written approval of the <br /> 4 <br />