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4 <br />_W_EDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1971 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida met in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida <br />on Wednesday,'December 8, 1971. Present were Richard P. Bogosian, <br />Chairman; Alma Lee Loy, Vice Chairman; D. B. McCullers, Jr.; Jack U. <br />Dritenbas and Edward J. Massey. Also present were Jack G. Jennings, <br />County Administrator; Paul D. Burch, Attorney to the Board; James <br />Reams, Deputy Sheriff; L. S. Thomas, Jr. and Janet N. Turpan, Deputy <br />Clerks. <br />The Chairman called the order and asked if there <br />were -.any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular meeting <br />of November 24. Commissioner Dritenbas requested that on Page 4, <br />Paragraph 2 should be changed to read "Charles Zimmer, Mayor of <br />Sebastian, and Mr. Bird of Indian River Farm Supply appeared before <br />the Board and Mayor Zimmer reported that the International Farm and <br />Tractor Company had been very cooperative in meeting special requirements <br />for the two fire trucks bid in the bid opening of November 10, and it <br />was his recommendation that the bid of Indian River Farm Supply be <br />accepted. A Motion was made by. Commissioner Massey, seconded by <br />Commissioner Dritenbis and unanimously carried that the bid of Indian <br />River Farm Supply, bid in the bid opening of November 10 in the amount <br />of $13,000.00 for two International Loadstars be accepted. <br />This change, having been made, a Motion was made by Commissioner <br />Dritenbas, seconded by Commissioner Massey and the minutes of the <br />regular meeting of November 24 were unanimously approved as changed. <br />Jay A. Smith, Civil Defense Director appeared and reported <br />on the seven day catastrophe period and that all equipment and plans <br />worked out very well. <br />Dewey Walker, County Zoning Inspector reported on zoning <br />problems and violations. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Mccullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Loy, and the following Resolution was unanimously <br />adopted: <br />Boot 1 pA'. t 532 <br />I)EC - 1971 <br />