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Election District No. 4 <br />Begin at the intersection of the East right of way line of <br />the -lorida East Coast Railway and the centerline of State Road <br />60; thence "nest along said centerline of State Road 60 to the <br />centerline of Emerson Avenue; thence South along the centerline <br />of Emerson Avenue to the North line of Fourteenth Street; thence k <br />East along the ::orth line of Fourteenth Street to the East line <br />of Section ll, Township 33 South, Range 39 East; thence South <br />666 feet to the South line of t:a Vero Beach.Cemetery; thence <br />East along the South line of the Cemetery to the East line of the <br />'Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, Township <br />33 South, Range 39 East; thence North along the said East line of E <br />the Southwest quart-- of the Northwest quarter and the Northwest <br />quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 12, to the East right <br />of way line of'the Florida East Coast Railway; thence continue <br />Northerly along said East right of way li._ to the point of teginning. <br />That the voting place or precinct of said Election District shall be the <br />City of Vero Beach Youth Center. <br />Cit L 4 2 1971 <br />Ror'A .1 <br />