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ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 4-B <br />Begin at the Southwest corner of Section 31, Township 33 <br />South, Range 36 East and run Easterly along the line dividing <br />Township 33 South from Township 34 South to its intersection <br />with the center of the Navigation Channel of the Indian River. <br />Thence, run Northwesterly along the center line of the Navigation <br />Channel of the Indian River to its intersection with the Easterly <br />extension of the center line of Citrus Road. Thence, West along <br />the extension of the center line of Citrus Road to the Northeasterly <br />corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 33 South, Range <br />40 East. Thence, South to the center of the South Relief Canal. <br />Thence Southwesterly along the center line of the South Relief Canal <br />to the East right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad. <br />Thence Southeasterly along the East right-of-way line.of the Florida <br />East Coast Railroad to the center line of Rebel Road. Thence West <br />along the center line of Rebel Road to its intersection with the <br />center line of 74th Avenue. Thence North along the center Iine of <br />74th Avenue to its intersection with the center line of R. D. Carter <br />Road. Thence West along the center line of R. D. Carter Road to <br />the. West boundary of the County. Thence South along the West boundary <br />line of the County to the point of beginning. <br />The voting place or precinct of said election district shall <br />be the Highlands Community Building <br />Fort 14 ,.,:.580 <br />3/ <br />DEC 2 lWI <br />