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§ 583. 115 24 CFR Ch . . V (4= 1-09 Edition) <br /> this cost comparison , costs associated with (b) Supportive services costs. Costs <br /> rehabilitation or new construction may include associated with providing supportive services <br /> the cost of real property acquisition , include salaries paid to providers of supportive <br /> (b) Amount. The maximum grant available services and any other costs directly associated <br /> for new construction is the lower of, with providing such services. For a transitional <br /> ( 1) $400, 000; or I housing project, supportive services costs also <br /> (2) The total cost of the new construction, include the costs of services provided to former <br /> including the cost of land associated with that residents of transitional housing to assist their <br /> construction, minus the applicant's contribution adjustment to independent living . Such services <br /> toward the cost of same, may be provided for up to six months after they <br /> leave the transitional housing facility. <br /> § 583. 115 Grants for leasing . [58 FR 13871, Mar. 15, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 36891, ]u 1y, 19, <br /> (a) General . HUD will provide grants to pay 1994] <br /> (as described in § 583 . 130 of this part) for the § 583. 125 Grants for operating costs, <br /> actual costs of leasing a structure or structures, <br /> or portions thereof, used to provide supportive (a) General . HUD will provide grants to pay <br /> housing or supportive services for up to five a portion (as described in § 583 . 130) of the <br /> years. actual operating costs of supportive housing for <br /> (b)( 1) Leasing structures. Where grants up to five years. <br /> are used to pay rent for all or part of structures, (b) Operating costs. Operating costs are <br /> the rent paid must be reasonable in relation to those associated with the day-to-day operation <br /> rents being charged in the area for comparable of the supportive housing . They also include the <br /> space. In addition, the rent paid may not actual expenses that a recipient incurs for <br /> exceed rents currently being charged by the conducting on-going assessments of the <br /> same owner for comparable space. supportive services needed by residents and the <br /> (2) Leasing individual units. Where grants availability of such services; relocation <br /> are used to pay rent for individual housing assistance under § 583 . 310, including payments <br /> units, the rent paid must be reasonable in and services;and insurance. <br /> relation to rents being charged for comparable (c) Recipient match requirement for <br /> units, taking into account the location , size, operating costs. Assistance for operating costs <br /> type, quality, amenities, facilities, and will be available for up to, 75 percent of the total <br /> management services. In addition, the rents cost in each year of the grant term . The <br /> may not exceed rents currently being charged recipient must pay the percentage of the actual <br /> by the same owner for comparable unassisted operating costs not funded by HUD . At the end <br /> units, and the portion of rents paid with grant of each operating year, the recipient must <br /> funds may not exceed HUD- determined fair demonstrate that it has met its match <br /> market rents. Recipients may use grant funds in requirement of the costs for that year. <br /> an amount up to one month's rent to pay the <br /> non-reci lent landlord for an damages to [58 FR 13871, Mar, 15, 1993, as amended at 61 FR 51175, Sept. 30, <br /> p y g 1996; 65 FR 30823, May 12, <br /> leased units by homeless participants. 2000] <br /> [58 FR 13871, Mar, 15, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 36891, ]u ly 19, <br /> 1994] <br /> § 583. 130 Commitment of grant amounts <br /> § 583. 120 Grants for supportive services for leasing, supportive services, and <br /> costse operating costs. <br /> (a) General . HUD will provide grants to pay <br /> (as described in § 583 . 130 of this part) for the Upon execution of a grant agreement <br /> covering assistance for leasing, supportive <br /> actual costs of supportive services for homeless <br /> persons for up to five years. All or part of the services, or operating costs, HUD will obligate <br /> supportive services may be provided directly by amounts for a period not to exceed flue <br /> the recipient or by arrangement with public or operating years. The <br /> private service providers, <br /> Page 10 <br /> f _ - <br />