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1/12/2016 1:07:35 PM
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10/1/2015 1:35:12 AM
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Timothy Rose Contracting
Indian River Land Trust
Lagoon Greenway Phase 1 Construction Agreement
Flinn Tract Florida Inland Navitgation District
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8 . EXAMINATION OF SPECIFICATIONS AND SITE OF WORK - The bidder is required , before <br /> submitting his proposal , to visit the site of the proposed work and familiarize himself with the <br /> nature and extent of the work and any local conditions that may in any manner affect the <br /> work to be done and the equipment, materials and labor required . He is also required to <br /> examine carefully the specifications , the Proposal , Performance Bond and to inform himself <br /> thoroughly regarding all conditions and requirements that may in any manner affect the work <br /> to be performed under this contract . <br /> 9 . QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER - The qualifications of each bidder shall be determined by the <br /> Owner and Engineer prior to the opening of the bid . Each Contractor will be selected to <br /> submit a bid . Bid invitation shall not be extended to the public . <br /> 10 , DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDER — At the sole judgement of the owner: more than one bid <br /> from an individual , firm , partnership , corporation or association under the same or different <br /> names , will not be considered . Reasonable grounds for believing that the bidder is financially <br /> interested in more that one proposal for the same work will cause the rejection of all <br /> proposals in which such bidders are believed to be interested . Any or all proposals will be <br /> rejected if there is reason to believe that collusion exists among the bidders and no <br /> participants in such collusion will be considered in future proposals for the same work . <br /> Proposals in which prices are obviously unbalanced will be rejected . <br /> 11 . RIGHT TO REJECT PROPOSAL - Right is reserved to reject any or all proposals and to <br /> waive technical errors and informalities . <br /> 12 . EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - Immediately following the passage of a resolution by the <br /> Owner awarding the contract to be executed by the parties , which contract will be in Contract <br /> Documents which will be attached to the various papers which were delivered by the Owner , <br /> or his representative , to the bidder in the first instance . The bidder shall fully execute the <br /> Contract Documents after which the Owner will execute the contract , it being distinctly agreed <br /> and understood that the Owner will not be bound unless and until the contract has been <br /> executed by its duly authorized and elected officers . The Performance and Payment Bonds <br /> shall be executed by a fully authorized surety , licenses by the State of Florida . <br /> FAILURE TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT - The failure on the part of the successful bidder <br /> to execute the contract as required will be just cause for the annulment of the award . <br /> 14 . BID MODIFICATIONS - Bid modifications will be received from bidders prior to opening of <br /> first bid . Modifications may be telegraphic or in other written or printed form . <br /> 15 . OWNER' S RIGHT TO MAKE DECISION - The Owner reserves the right to make any <br /> combination of items bid to determine the low bidder. <br /> 16 . LIQUIDATED DAMAGES — Penalties for completion will be determined at the time of contract <br /> negotiations . <br /> IB-2 <br />
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