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APPENDIX A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> OVERVIEW <br /> (} n_.......Sep.tt_nlher........t l , 2009 . =1Tthe Florida Department of Community Affairs awarded a $4 , 680 , 825 <br /> Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to Indian <br /> River County . Management of the orant %yas later transferred . by the State of Florida.. to the Department <br /> of Economic Opportunitv MLO) . <br /> Seventy - five percent ( 75 %) , or $ 3 , 598 , 543 , of the $4 , 680 , 825 must be used to acquire and rehabilitate <br /> foreclosed homes for sale and rental to individuals and families with incomes that do not exceed <br /> one <br /> hundred and twenty percent ( 120 %) of area median income and for grant administration . The remaining <br /> twenty - five percent (25 %) of the county ' s NSP funds ( $ 1 , 082 , 282 ) must be used to provide rental housing <br /> for individuals and families whose incomes do not exceed fifty percent (50 %) of area median income . <br /> NSP funds must be used to purchase and redevelop abandoned or foreclosed properties fen• rental to <br /> inc.o lie ._elr ; <br />