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the fees and expenses of any attorney in the transaction of the <br />business of the District 'and in carrying out and accomplishing the <br />purposes of this Ordinance. <br />E. 130WERS: <br />The Hoard of Supervisory shall have all the powers of <br />the body corporate including the power to contract and be contracted <br />with, to adopt and use a common seal, and to alter the, same at <br />pleasure; to acquire, purchase, hold, lease and convey real and <br />personal property as they may deem proper and expedient to carry <br />out the purposes of this Ordinance; the power to sue and be sued; to <br />employ agents and employees as they deem advisable; to adopt rules <br />and regulations for its own government and to implement, interpret or <br />make specific any authority or power duly granted by this Ordinance, to <br />borrow funds, for a period not to exceed one (1) year at an interest <br />rate not to exceed eight per cent (876) necessary to carry out the <br />purposes of the Ordinance in an amount not to exceed eighty per cent <br />(80%) of the total annual revenues of the year when such borrowing is <br />done. No sums shall be borrowed in a subsequent year unless all <br />moneys borrowed in preceeding years shall,have been paid, including <br />interest; to receive and accept from any source, grants -in -aids or <br />property, labor or other things for carrying out the purposes of this <br />Ordinance; to have the duty, right, power and authority to levy . <br />special assessments for benefits against all assessable property <br />.within its territorial bounds in order to provide funds for the purposes <br />of a district, which said assessments may be equally allocated among <br />the platted lots within the District, but shall exclude those lands <br />specifically excluded in Paragraph G of this Ordinance; the Special <br />assessment for District purposes shall not exceed three mills <br />per dollar of the value assessed; to purchase goods, supplies and <br />niaLerials for tho use of the District in carrying out the purposes j <br />of this Ordin;ItIce without advcrtisirig ;my notice or calling <br />for bids if the a1101nL to he paid therefor does not exceed live <br />800 15 PAcE134 <br />FE E 9 1972 <br />