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2 . After receiving work order for inspection services from COUNTY , <br /> HOUSING INSPECTOR will perform a detailed inspection , prepare <br /> a detailed work write-up (work done must meet the county's Local <br /> Housing Assistance Plan requirements , as well as requirements of <br /> the Minimum Standards for Rehabilitation of Residential <br /> Properties) , prepare a cost estimate , and submit the work write up <br /> and cost estimate to county staff. HOUSING INSPECTOR is <br /> prohibited from providing his cost estimate to anyone except <br /> county staff prior to bid opening . <br /> 3 . HOUSING INSPECTOR will conduct a pre- bid walk-thru for <br /> rehabilitation contractors interested in bidding on the project <br /> 4 . HOUSING INSPECTOR will review bids submitted for the project <br /> and provide comments to county staff. <br /> 5 . HOUSING INSPECTOR will review and approve any change <br /> orders submitted for the project . <br /> 6 . After the rehabilitation contractor completes the job , HOUSING <br /> INSPECTOR will visit the job and prepare a punch list of unfinished <br /> items . <br /> 7 . When there is a request for payment , HOUSING INSPECTOR will <br /> inspect the work and determine if the job was done satisfactorily . <br /> 8 . HOUSING INSPECTOR also will take before and after digital <br /> pictures and provide those pictures to the county . <br /> SECTION IV — TIME FOR COMPLETION <br /> The time for completion of each project shall be defined in the Work Order. <br /> SECTION V — COMPENSATION <br /> Housing Inspector must submit price quote for each inspection project. Housing <br /> Inspector with the lowest quote will be chosen to perform the housing inspection <br /> services for the project. <br /> COUNTY agrees to pay , and HOUSING INSPECTOR agrees to accept , for <br /> services rendered pursuant to this Agreement , fees in accordance with the <br /> following : <br /> A . Professional Services Fee - The basic compensation shall be mutually <br /> agreed upon by HOUSING INSPECTOR and COUNTY prior to issuance <br /> of each Work Order, and shall be detailed in the completed price quote <br /> form ( Exhibit A) for each Work Order. <br /> SECTION VI — ADDITIONAL SERVICE WORK <br /> Additional service work occurs when COUNTY requests changes after it has <br /> formally approved a Work Order. Additional service work shall not commence until a <br /> Work Order for the additional work has been formally issued by the County Community <br /> Page 3 of 11 <br />