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Applicants of large-scale rojects, defined as projects that <br />generate 1000 average daily trips or more, are not required to <br />submit a site plan as part of the preliminary PRD plan. A <br />preliminary plat is required, however. Applicants of large- <br />scale projects may apply fora land development permit for <br />common infrastructure and other improvements based on an <br />approved preliminary PRD plan that does not include a site <br />plan. No building permits shall be issued for any structures <br />in the project or project phase until a site plan has been <br />approved for such structures. <br />Indian River County Code of Laws and Ordinances, Appendix A, <br />Section 25.4(k)(1) is hereby amended to read: <br />Authorization to Apply for Building Permits. Upon issuance <br />of the Land Development Permit, the applicant shall be <br />authorized to apply for building permits for all structures <br />within the area which the land development permit is appli- <br />cable, whether it be for the entire development or approved <br />phase(s)j unless otherwise restricted or prohibited by <br />Section 25.4(I)(3) of this code. <br />Indian River County Code of Laws and Ordinances, Appendix A, <br />Section 25.4(k)(2) is hereby amended to read: <br />rj60/$461.l//xM0/AII�XX�ii�/�iXX/Y��i�/1� <br />/ahoy/ /]/('rl(Y!V NY -MV of /Oki IM <br />Vt/j1QV /u'n'#:VV /a V -V( III-VIX( PV IVIS X / f iko <br />Transfer of Lands Restricted. The ownership of any lands <br />within the PRD shall not be transferred by fee simple title <br />to any parties until after the final PRD plan has been <br />approved and final plat recorded, with the following <br />exception. Development tracts within large-scale projects, <br />defined as projects that generate 1000 average daily trips or <br />more, may be transferred prior to final PRD plan approval if <br />the following conditions are satisfied: <br />(a) the project has received conceptual PRD plan special <br />exception approval, preliminary PRD plan approval for a <br />phase or phases, and a land development permit for <br />common required improvements has been issued and <br />construction of said improvements has been completed, <br />(b) the applicant has formed or is part of an association <br />that governs and is responsible for all activities and <br />obligations of all parties that will be developed within <br />the entire PRD project area, ensuring a unified control <br />of the total PRD project; <br />(c) appropriate deed restrictions are recorded, ensuring <br />development of all tracts to be in accordance with the <br />approved conceptual PRD plan69 <br />s <br />