<br />26125'11" West, 99.45 feet, thence run North 19140'11" West,
<br />97.16 feet thence run North 40°53'07" West, 56.12 feet,
<br />thence run North 18057149" West, 59.42 feet to the Point of
<br />Beginning.
<br />Said parcel containing 60.73 acres, more or less.
<br />Be changed from CG, General Commercial District, to RM -6,
<br />Multiple -Family Residential District.
<br />All with the meaning and intent and as set forth and described in .
<br />said Zoning Regulations.
<br />And that the zoning of the following described property situated
<br />in Indian River County, Florida, to -wit:
<br />A parcel of land lying in part of Government Lots 1 and 2,
<br />Section 13, part of the Southeast quarter of Section 14;
<br />part of Government Lot 1 and the West half of the Northwest
<br />quarter of Section 24; and a part of the Northeast quarter
<br />of Section 23, all in Township 32 South, Range 39 East,
<br />Indian River County, Florida, the boundary of said parcel
<br />being more particularly described as follows:
<br />From a concrete monument marking the Section corner common
<br />to the aforesaid Sections 13, 14, 23, and 24, run North 89
<br />degrees to 56' 17" West, along the Section line 66.03 feet
<br />to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be described
<br />herein; thence run North 00 degrees 5' 48" East on a line
<br />parallel to the East line of said Section 14, a distance of
<br />1098.46 feet; thence South 89 degrees 54' 12" East, into
<br />Government Lot 2 of Section 13, a distance of 753.49 feet;
<br />thence North 14 degrees 37' 41" West, 436.84 feet; thence
<br />North 00 degrees 04' 01" East, 262.27 feet; thence South 89
<br />degrees 55' 59" East, 361.87 feet, more or less, to a point
<br />on the mean high water line of the West Shore of the Indian
<br />River; which line was established under procedures approved
<br />by the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources
<br />dated April 1, 1985; thence following the mean high water
<br />line, run the following courses and distances; South 00
<br />degrees 29' 30" East, 144.84 feet; South 13 degrees 34' 40"
<br />East, 97.15 feet; South 10 degrees 00' 00" East, 106.51
<br />feet; South 13 degrees 27' 23" East, 98.37 feet; South 14
<br />degrees 20' 25" East, 86.73 feet; South 21 degrees 28' 43"
<br />East, 103.49 feet; South 22 degrees 02' 39" East, 94.41
<br />feet; South 25 degrees 27' 46" East, 103.76 feet; South 23
<br />degrees 40' 50" East, 99.55 feet, South 25 degrees 01' 04"
<br />East, 99.99 feet; South 23 degrees 09' 05" East, 97.94 feet;
<br />South 23 degrees 05'40" East, 100.81 feet South 36 degrees
<br />10' 53" East, 97.38 feet, South 34 degrees 45' 07" East,
<br />101.41 feet; South 33 degrees 15' 12" East, 101.24 feet;
<br />South 33 degrees 07' 40" East, 48.14 feet; South 13 degrees
<br />51' 14" East, 56.55 feet; South 14 degrees 44' 02" East,
<br />100.50 feet; South 13 degrees 38' 12" East, 106.16 feet;
<br />thence leaving the mean high water line, run South 55
<br />degrees 50' 42" West, 489.80 feet to a point in the west
<br />half of said Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 04' 01"
<br />West 366.28 feet, thence North 89 degrees 55' 59" West,
<br />1227.98 feet to a point in the Northeast quarter of said
<br />Section 23, thence run North 00 degrees 00' 40" East on a
<br />line parallel to the East line of Section 23, 566.20 feet,
<br />more or less, to the Point of Beginning.
<br />Containing 58.387 acres, more or less.
<br />Be changed from RS -6, Single -Family Residential District, and
<br />RM -6, Multiple -Family Residential District, to CG, General
<br />Commercial District.
<br />