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(B) In.the event that a monolithic foundation is used, <br />the maximum elevation of the top of the slab is to <br />be below the design scour depth (See Chapter 5.28, <br />Shore Protection Manual, U.S. Army Corps of <br />Engineers, 4th Edition, 1984) unless positive <br />methods are provided to prevent scour. <br />(C) Other types of spread footings such as running <br />footers or pads may be permitted when positive <br />methods are provided to prevent scour. <br />No substantial walls or partitions shall be constructed <br />below the level of the first finished floor. This does not <br />preclude the construction of: <br />1. Stairways, <br />2. Shearwalls essentially perpendicular to breaking waves, <br />3. Shearwalls essentially parallel to breaking waves which <br />do not exceed a maximum of 20% of the building length; <br />4. Wind or sand screens constructed of fabric or wire mesh, <br />5. Light open lattice partitions with individual wooden <br />lattice strips no greater than 3/4" thick or 3" wide; <br />6. Elevator shafts, <br />7. Breakaway or frangible building walls, or <br />8. Substantial building walls constructed above the wave <br />action and storm surge expected under design storm conditions. <br />(c) Building and Floor Elevations <br />The minimum elevation for the underside of the building <br />support .structure (excluding foundation) shall be above the <br />elevation of the design breaking wave crests or wave uprush <br />superimposed on the storm surge with dynamic wave set up expected <br />under design storm conditions. The elevation of the storm surge <br />with dynamic wave set up shall be the elevation established by the <br />Indian River County Stormwater Management and Flood Protection <br />Ordinance. <br />(d) Erosion and Design Grade <br />The elevation of the soil surface to be used in the design of <br />foundations, calculation of pile reactions, and bearing capacities <br />shall not be greater than that which would result from the erosion <br />reasonably anticipated. as a result of design storm conditions. <br />Calculation of the design grade shall take into account localized <br />scour due to the presence of structural components. Erosion <br />computations for foundation design shall consider all vertical and <br />lateral erosion and scour -producing forces. <br />(e) Wave Force Desi <br />1. Calculations for wave forces resulting' -from design storm <br />conditions are building foundations 'and superstructures may be <br />based upon the minimum criteria and methods prescribed in the <br />Naval Facilities Engineering Command •Design Manual, NAVFAC DM -26, <br />U.S. Department of Navy, Shore: Protection Manual, U.S. Department <br />of the Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Department of the Army <br />Coastal Engineering Research Center Technical Papers and Reports; <br />the Technical and Design Memoranda of the Division of Beaches and <br />Shores, Florida Department of Natural Resources; or other <br />professionally recognized methodologies which produce equivalent <br />design criteria. <br />