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Ordinance No. 86 - 42 <br />4. Large Traffic Attractors/Generators <br />Projects determined to be larger traffic attractors/ <br />generators, defined as projects generating 100 (one <br />hundred) or more average daily trips, shall provide for <br />road paving as follows: <br />(a) Access road frontage to access point(s): the road <br />accessing the project shall be paved from the <br />project's access point(s) to a paved public road. <br />The design of the connection shall be in accordance <br />with County design standards. Said paving shall be <br />completed, and improvements inspected and approved <br />by the County, prior to the issuance of a certi- <br />ficate of occupancy for all or any portion of the <br />project. <br />(b) Remaining access road frontage: for the paving of <br />portions of a project's access road frontage not <br />covered in the above paving requirement [2(a)], the <br />applicant shall submit funds in the amount of the <br />project's share of petition paving costs prior to <br />the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all <br />or any portion of the project. Said funds shall be <br />held by the County to be used for the paving of the <br />road accessing the project. The road segment to be <br />funded and later paved shall include all of the <br />project's frontage on the road. <br />(c) Abutting road frontage: for the paving of roads <br />abutting the project, the applicant shall submit <br />funds in the amount of the project's share of <br />petition paving costs prior to the issuance of a <br />certificate of occupancy for all or any portion of <br />the project. Said funds shall be held by the <br />County to be used for the paving of the road <br />abutting the project. The road segment to be <br />funded and later paved shall include all of the <br />project's frontage on the road. Where abutting <br />roads are designated on the capital improvements <br />program, traffic impact fees shall substitute for <br />escrowing funds. <br />(d) Paving option: in lieu of submitting funds for <br />paving specified under 2(b) and 2(c) above, the <br />project application may propose to pave or arrange <br />for paving the project's remaining access road <br />frontage and/or abutting road frontage, notwith- <br />standing requirements for roads designated on the <br />Thoroughfare Plan, if such paving connects to a <br />paved public road. If such a paving option is <br />utilized, no certificate of occupancy shall be <br />issued for all or any portion of the project until <br />said paving is completed, and improvements are <br />inspected and approved by the County. <br />SECTION 2. <br />The Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Code <br />of Indian River County and the word "ordinance" may be <br />changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate <br />word and the sections of this Ordinance may be re- <br />numbered or relettered to accomplish such purposes. <br />SECTION 3. <br />If any provision of this Ordinance or the applica- <br />tion thereof to any person or circumstances is held <br />invalid, it is the legislative intent that the invalidi- <br />ty shall not affect other provisions or applications of <br />