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AN ORDINANCE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 202 <br />ENTITLED COUNTY RECLAIMED WATER TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, <br />CODIFICATION, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />Be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County <br />that: <br />SECTION 202.01 SHORT TITLE <br />This chapter may be known as the Reclaimed Water Ordinance. <br />SECTION 202.02 PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the implementation of the <br />land development related policies of the Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water <br />Sub -Elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The requirements of this chapter <br />are intended to implement criteria established by Florida Administrative <br />Code Chapter 17-610 for the design, operation and maintenance of a <br />reclaimed water land application system. <br />SECTION 202.03 DEFINITIONS <br />ACCESSIBLE, RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE TO EXISTING DEVELOPMENT Shall mean <br />reclaimed water service within one hundred (100) feet from the nearest <br />point of the existing development to a primary transmission main or <br />sub -area distribution main of the Indian River County Reclaimed Water <br />Distribution System as measured through public easements or public <br />right-of-ways. <br />ACCESSIBLE, RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE TO NEW DEVELOPMENT - Shall mean <br />reclaimed water service within one quarter mile from the nearest point of <br />the project site to a primary transmission main or sub -area distribution <br />main of the Indian River County Reclaimed Water Distribution System as <br />measured through public easements or public right-of-way. <br />ADEQUATE SIZE - Shall mean a reclaimed water system designed to apply, at <br />a minimum, 1,000 gallons per day of reclaimed water per equivalent <br />residential unit of potable water or sanitary sewer service calculated to <br />serve the facility or use. <br />AVAILABLE - Shall mean the presence of reclaimed water within the <br />transmission and distribution network at pressures adequate to operate <br />standard irrigation systems and devices. <br />CROSS CONNECTION - Shall mean any physical connection or arrangement which <br />could allow the inter -mingling of waters between the public potable water <br />supply and distribution system, or a private potable water supply and the <br />county's reclaimed water supply or distribution system or any other <br />non -potable water source. <br />IRRIGATION SYSTEM Shall mean the user's in -ground piped system which <br />delivers water to a, spray or drip -type irrigation devices located <br />throughout the property. The system may be controlled by an electric <br />timer or manually. The system may be equipped with special hose bib boxes <br />providing for irrigation by hose and or portable sprinkler devices in lieu <br />of an in -ground piping system <br />IRRIGATION WELL - Shall mean a well located on private property with no <br />means of supplying water for human consumption, used to supply water to an <br />in -ground irrigation system or other irrigation devices which serve the <br />property. <br />NON -POTABLE WATER SUPPLY - Shall mean a well used as a source of water for <br />other than human consumption, such as irrigation, cooling, or other uses. <br />POTABLE WATER SUPPLY WELL - Shall mean a well used as a source of water <br />for drinking, culinary or domestic purposes. <br />