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Grants - are contributions or gifts cash or other assets from <br />another government to be used or expensed for a specific purpose, <br />activity, or facility. <br />Impact Fees - are fees charged to_developers to cover, in whole or <br />in part, the anticipated cost of improvements that will be <br />necessary as a result of the development. The county currently <br />collects impact fees for roads, water and sewer. <br />Infrastructure - consists of public domain assets such as roads, <br />bridges, curbs, streets, sidewalks, drainage systems, lighting <br />systems, and similar assets that are immorable and of value only to <br />the government unit. <br />Revenue Bonds - are bonds payable from a specific source of revenue <br />and which do not pledge the full faith and credit of the issuer. <br />Revenue bonds are payable from identified sources of revenue, and <br />do not permit the landholders to compel taxation or legislative <br />appropriation of funds not pledged for payment of debt service. <br />Revenues - increases in the net current assets of a governmental <br />fund type from other than expenditure refunds and residual equity <br />transfers. Also, general long-term debt proceeds and operating <br />transfers in are classified as "other financing sources" rather <br />than as revenues. Examples of revenue are taxes, fees, charges, <br />special assessments, grants and interest income. <br />Special Assessments - are a compulsory charge made against certain <br />properties to defray part or all of the cost of a specific <br />improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those <br />properties. <br />User Charge - a revenue source to recover all or part of the cost <br />of goods or services from those directly benefiting from them. <br />Interest Income - is revenue earned on invested cash. <br />