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-'► t.�'` <br />SECTION VI. ENFORCE'NIENT <br />A. Excess Strength Surcharge: <br />An excess strength surcharge will be collected by the County- for CBOD greater than 300 <br />mg/L, COD greater than 750 mg/L total phosphorus greater than 20 mg/L, total nitrogen <br />greater than 40 mg/L or suspended solids greater than 250 mg/L in accordance with <br />Ordinance 91-9, Section 201.08, Paragraph F. <br />[Note: Paragraph F of Ordinance 91-9, Section 201.08 will be changed to read. All <br />sewage discharged into the sanitary sewer system which has an average concentration of <br />carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) of 300 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or <br />greater, an average concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 750 mg/L or <br />greater, an average concentration of total phosphorus of 20 mg/L or greater, an average <br />concentration of total nitrogen of 40 mg/L or greater, or an average concentration of <br />suspended solids of 250 mg/L or greater shall be subject to an excessive strength charge. <br />The amount of the excessive strength charge shall be equal to the customer's standard base <br />facilities and volume charges multiplied by the greater of five factors: the amount of the <br />customer's average concentration of CBOD in mg/L divided by 250, minus 1; the amount <br />of the customer's average COD in mg/L divided by 750, minus l; the amount of the <br />customers average concentration of total phosphorus in mg/L divided by 20, minus 1; the <br />amount of the customers average concentration of total nitrogen divided by 40, minus 1; <br />or the amount of customer's average concentration of suspended solids in mg/L divided by <br />250, minus 1. Any customer may sample its sewage and have it analyzed by an analytical <br />laboratory approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. The County <br />may sample and conduct analysis of the sewage produced by any customer to determine <br />sewage strength. Where such analysis demonstrates that the customer's sewage strength <br />exceeds the standards given above, the customer will be subject to the excess sewage <br />strength charge and shall reimburse the County for the cost of such analysis.] <br />In the event that an industrial user is the source of a slug loading or accidental spill, which <br />causes damage to the County's wastewater collection, wastewater treatment or effluent <br />disposal systems or requires the County to take emergency acrion, the industrial user shall <br />be liable for all costs incurred by the County. Costs which shall be recovered by the <br />County from the industrial user shall include but not necessarily be limited to labor and <br />overhead costs, regulatory fines, legal costs, outside consultant costs, and all direct costs <br />to the County. <br />C. Monitoring Report Late Fee: <br />A late fee for failure to submit monitoring reports within sixty (60) days of the designated <br />monitoring dates shall be assessed in accordance with Ordinance Number 91-9, Section <br />E.-V65N ='0R7*0RDD A':C. I <br />B. Recovery <br />of Slug <br />Loading <br />or <br />Accidental <br />Spill Damages: <br />In the event that an industrial user is the source of a slug loading or accidental spill, which <br />causes damage to the County's wastewater collection, wastewater treatment or effluent <br />disposal systems or requires the County to take emergency acrion, the industrial user shall <br />be liable for all costs incurred by the County. Costs which shall be recovered by the <br />County from the industrial user shall include but not necessarily be limited to labor and <br />overhead costs, regulatory fines, legal costs, outside consultant costs, and all direct costs <br />to the County. <br />C. Monitoring Report Late Fee: <br />A late fee for failure to submit monitoring reports within sixty (60) days of the designated <br />monitoring dates shall be assessed in accordance with Ordinance Number 91-9, Section <br />E.-V65N ='0R7*0RDD A':C. I <br />