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20. Local Limits Limits established by this ordinance for r.ondce)A stic ;sol?utast <br />concentrations discharged by nondomestic sources to the wastewater collection and <br />treatment system of the County. <br />21. Medical «taste: Isolation wastes,. infectious agents, human blood byproducts, <br />pathological wastes, sharps, body pans, fomites, etiologic agents, contaminated <br />bedding, surgical wastes, potentially contaminated laboratory wastes and dialysis <br />wastes. <br />22. Municipal Wastewater System or System: A "treatment works" as defined by <br />Section 212 of the Act (33 USC 1292) which is owned by the State or <br />municipality. This definition includes any devices or systems used in the <br />collection, storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of sewage or industrial <br />wastes and any conveyance which convey wastewater to a treatment plant. The <br />term also means the municipal entity having responsibility for the operation and <br />maintenance of the system. <br />23. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System or NPDES Permit: A permit <br />issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act (33 UAX 1'342). by the Federal <br />Government for a point source discharge of treated wastewater. <br />24. New Source: <br />Any source of a discharge, the construction or operations of which commenced <br />after the adoption of this ordinance. <br />26. Nondomestic Pollutants: Any substances other than human excrement and <br />household gray water (shower, dishwashing operations, etc.). Nondomestic <br />pollutants include the characteristics of the wastewater, (i.e. pH, temperature, TSS, <br />turbidity, color, BOD, COD, toxicity, odor, etc.). <br />26. Nondomestic Source(s) or Nondomestic Use s)9 Any source of discharge to the <br />wastewater collection and treatment system of the County, where the discharge <br />contains any nondomestic pollutants. <br />27. Pass Through: A discharge which exits the treatment plant effluent into waters <br />of the United States in quantities or concentrations *%which, alone or in conjuncrion <br />with an indirect discharge or discharges from other sources, is a cause of a <br />violation of any -requirements of the County's INPDES permit (including an <br />increase in the magnitude or .duration of a violation), as defined in 40 CFR <br />403.3 (N). <br />E.'065.NREPOR7\DRDNA.NC.1 4 <br />