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Last modified
3/20/2019 1:58:26 PM
Creation date
9/30/2015 4:01:35 PM
Ordinance Number
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Ordinance Type
Land Use Element Amendment
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U.S. 1 77th Street to 69th Street
Commercial Industrial Node Enlargement
Codified or Exempt
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s <br />ORDINANCE N0. 93-21 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, that: <br />SECTION 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adoption and <br />Transmittal <br />The amendment to the Indian River County Comprehensive Plan <br />identified in section 2 is hereby adopted, and five (5) copies are <br />directed to be transmitted to the State of Florida Department of <br />Community Affairs. <br />SECTION 2. Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan <br />The land use designation of the following described property <br />situated in Indian River County, Florida to wit: <br />All of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of <br />Section 3, Township 32 South, Range 39 East, lying East of the <br />East right-of-way line of State Road 5 (U.S. Highway #1) as it <br />now exists. LESS the following described property: <br />Parcel 1 - The North 30 feet of the Southwest of ,Section 3, <br />Township 32 South, Range 39 East, lying Easterly of the East <br />right-of-way line of U.S. Highway #1. <br />Parcel 2 - From the center of Section 3, Township 32 South, <br />Range 39 East, run South along the East line of the Southwest <br />j of the said Section 3, a distance of 30 feet to the point of <br />beginning, then continue South a distance of 30 feet to the <br />point of beginning; then continue South a distance of 32.35 <br />feet; then run Northwesterly to a point which measures 30 feet <br />South of the North line of the said Southwest j and 30 feet <br />Southerly thereof, a distance of 115 feet, more or less, to <br />the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 3 - From the center of Section 3, Township 32 South, <br />Range 39 East, run South 00006149" West, along the East line <br />of the Southwest j of said Section 3, a distance of 30 feet; <br />then run North 89040117" West, on a line parallel to and 30 <br />feet South of the North line of said Southwest, a distance <br />of 565 feet to the point of beginning; then run South <br />67025'54" West, on a line parallel to and 60 feet South of the <br />North line of said Southwest J, a distance of 66.84 feet, more <br />or less, to the East right-of-way of U.S. Highway #1 (State <br />Road 5 - Section # 88010); then run Northeasterly on a return <br />radius curve, (said curve being concave to the Southeast, <br />having a radius of 25 feet and a central angle of 78027'47"), <br />an arc length of 34.24 feet to the end of said curve; then run <br />North 00019143" East, along said East right-of-way of U.S. <br />Highway #1, a distance of 10 feet to a point which lies 30 <br />feet South of the North line of said Southwest of Section 3; <br />then run South 89040117" East, on a line parallel to and 30 <br />feet South of the North line of said Southwest, a distance <br />of 113.37 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. <br />Note: All property described herein is located in Indian River <br />County, Florida. <br />Is changed from L-1, Low -Density Residential 1 (up to 3 units/acre) <br />to C/I, Commercial/Industrial Node: <br />0 The Future Land Use Map is hereby revised accordingly; <br />and <br />0 Table 2.30 of the Future Land Use Element is revised to <br />add ±15 acres to the U.S. Highway #1/77th Street to 69th <br />Street Commercial/Industrial Node. <br />
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