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y <br />that is professionally accepted and applied. Among the species <br />anticipated to be located on the site are the Florida scrub jay, <br />gopher tortoise, gopher frog, Florida mouse and eastern indigo <br />snake. <br />° The clustered development shall preserve 80% of the scrub habitat <br />as part of an intact contiguous natural system and include the <br />critical habitat needed to maintain viable populations of the listed <br />species on-site. To the extent environmentally and economically <br />feasible, development sites shall be selected to avoid occupied <br />habitat in order to minimize the need to relocate threatened and <br />endangered species . <br />° Access roads shall be constructed and located to avoid impacts to <br />wildlife . In particular, access roads shall be designed to minimize <br />any effect they may have as barriers by employing road design <br />standards which take into account natural features and wildlife <br />habits. Such design standards shall include, but are not limited <br />to: minimum pavement width and shoulders; one-way roadways <br />wherever possible, minimum swales; orientation to minimize use by <br />animals as resting/sunning areas; reducing speed limits to under <br />30 miles per hour; and signage to remind users to be watchful of <br />wildlife . <br />° The development pattern shall be designed to allow prescription <br />burning of the preserve area; however, see below. <br />° A habitat management plan shall be prepared and approved for the <br />scrub preserve prior to final development approval that <br />a. includes a schedule for prescription burning in stages over <br />time to ensure viable habitat remains for the listed species at <br />all times. A prescribed or controlled burn is the preferred <br />management method. In the event that excessive smoke would <br />prevent a burn permit from being issued, then mechanical <br />clearing of some vegetation prior to the prescribed burn <br />would be the next best alternative to pursue. The last <br />alternative is mechanical clearing and no use of fire. Any <br />mechanical clearing of vegetation must avoid disturbing the <br />soil to the extent that it affects the re-establishment of the <br />scrub habitat, and <br />be includes a schedule for removing exotic or intrusive plants <br />that would displace the scrub habitat, and <br />c . provides for management of listed species consistent with <br />applicable local, state and federal laws, and <br />d. prohibits and prevents domestic pets from freely roaming <br />within the preserve, and <br />e. prohibits construction activities and prescribed burns that <br />would interfere with active Florida scrub jay nests during the <br />Florida scrub jay nesting season (March 1 through June 30) , <br />and <br />f . includes the responsible entity for implementing the habitat <br />management plan and includes a legally binding instrument to <br />provide assurances of financial and institutional ability to <br />carry out the management plan, and <br />g. provides for monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the <br />management plan and make revisions as necessary. <br />° The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Florida Game and Fresh <br />Water Fish Commission will be requested to help develop and <br />approve the habitat management plan. <br />