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AN ORDINANCE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE FUTURE <br />LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BY CHANGING THE LAND USE <br />DESIGNATION FOR AN ±8 ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF SR Al A, JUST <br />NORTH OF THE TOWN OF INDIAN RIVER SHORES, FROM L-2 TO C-1; BY CHANGING <br />THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR A ±37 ACRE TRACT LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST <br />CORNER OF 8TH STREET AND INDIAN RIVER BOULEVARD, FROM M-2 AND C-2 TO C-1; <br />AND BY CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FOR A ±15.8 ACRE TRACT <br />LOCATED WEST OF ST. CHRISTOPHER'S HARBOR SUBDIVISION, FROM C-2 TO C -l; <br />AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the Indian River County <br />Comprehensive Plan on February 13, 1990, and <br />WHEREAS, the county received comprehensive plan amendment applications during its July <br />1998 amendment submittal window, and <br />WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency held a public hearing on this comprehensive plan <br />amendment request on October 8, 1998 after due public notice, and <br />WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended approval of this comprehensive plan <br />amendment to the Board of County Commissioners, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County held a Transmittal <br />Public Hearing on November 10, 1998 after advertising pursuant to F.S. 163.3184(15)(b)l and (c), <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved the transmittal of this <br />comprehensive plan amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for their review <br />and comment, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners announced at the transmittal public <br />hearing its intention to hold and advertise a final public hearing at the adoption stage of this plan <br />amendment, and <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs received this Comprehensive <br />Plan Amendment on November 25, 1998, for the State review pursuant to F. i.163.3184(4). and <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County received the Objections, Recommendations, and <br />Comments (UK(, ) Report from the Florida Department of Community Affairs on February 5, 1999, <br />