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ORDINANCE NO. 97- 16 <br />surroundings and to be disguised so as not to have the <br />appearance of a communications tower and tower support <br />facilities. Camouflaged towers may be disguised to <br />appear as either part of or within the structure <br />housing the site's principal use or as an accessory <br />structure that is normally associated with the site's <br />principal use. Examples of such camouflaged towers <br />include towers disguised within or as a part of a <br />steeple, clock tower, or light pole. Camouflaged <br />towers may also be disguised to blend in with or be <br />designed to complement their surroundings. Examples of <br />such camouflaged towers include towers constructed in <br />the form of a tree to appear to be part of a forested <br />area or towers disguised within a -monument that blends <br />in with an entranceway feature or park. <br />(d) Lattice: a self supporting tower structure other than a <br />monopole, characterized by a lattice structural <br />appearance. <br />(e) Monopole: a tower structure that consists of a single <br />pole supported by a permanent foundation. <br />Be Establish a definition of "Communications Tower Height" in <br />section 901.03, to read as follows. <br />Tower height shall be measured vertically from the tower <br />site's average natural grade elevation to the tower's <br />highest point above the ground, including the highest point <br />of the highest antenna attached to the tower. Required <br />safety appurtenances such as air traffic lighting and <br />lightning rods covering a vertical distance of 8' or less <br />shall not be included in the calculation of tower height. <br />1. Amend the antenna regulations of section 912.15(2) and <br />917.06 (8) [Note: both sections are identical], as follows: <br />A. Dish antenna location restrictions. To reduce the <br />negative aesthetic impacts of dish antenna visibility <br />from streets and "surrounding properties, no <br />ie. <br />ti dish antenna exceeding one meter in diameter <br />shall be located between any building and any front or <br />side property line except on corner lots which do not <br />have a rear yard in which case the dish may be placed <br />in the side yard. <br />