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Policy 1.23: Commercial/industrial nodes shall not be created or expanded to within 1 %2 miles of <br />an existing commercial/industrial node. This policy shall apply only to commercial/ industrial nodes <br />that conformed to the 1% mile requirement on December 31, 1997. This policy shall not apply to <br />neighborhood commercial nodes. <br />Policy 1.28: The Public Facilities land use designation shall be applied to land used for public <br />facilities and services including, but not limited, to government offices, service centers, public <br />utilities and transportation facilities, schools, parks, libraries, police and fire stations, dredged spoil <br />disposal, and landfills and related uses such as recycling equipment operations, composting facilities <br />and operations, incineration of solid waste, borrow pit operations for fill material, industrial waste <br />and leachate treatment and management, equipment storage and maintenance, and water and <br />wastewater treatment facilities. Not all public land uses are shown on the Future Land Use Map. <br />Public facilities -are not limited to the Public Facilities Land Use designation. The maximum <br />intensity standards established by Future Land Use Element Policy 1.16 (commercial/industrial <br />intensity standards) shall also apply to uses within the Public Facilities land use designation. <br />Policy 1.29: The Recreation land use designation shall be applied to land used for active and passive <br />public parks and recreation facilities, including but not limited to ball fields, swimming pools, tennis <br />courts, racquetball courts, handball courts, shuffleboard courts, basketball courts, volleyball courts, <br />children's playgrounds, golf courses, fairgrounds, community/activity centers, <br />walking/jogging/fitness trails, canoe launches, picnic areas, scenic areas, nature centers, bathrooms, <br />and parking areas. Not all recreation sites are shown on the Future Land Use Map. Public parks and <br />recreation facilities are not limited to this land use designation. The maximum Floor Area Ratio <br />(FAR) for development within the Recreation land use designation shall not exceed 0.25. <br />