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As previously discussed, there are six independent local water control districts which operate and <br />maintain drainage facilities within the county. These are the Indian River Farms, the Sebastian <br />River, the St. Johns River, the Fellsmere, the Vero Lakes, and the Delta Farms Water Control <br />Districts. Additionally, there are seven other independent special districts in the county. These are <br />the Sebastian Inlet District (maintains inlet and keeps it navigable), the Mosquito Control District <br />(sprays and manages impoundments to control mosquitoes), the Hospital Maintenance District <br />(funds indigent care), the Florida Inland Navigation District (maintains and dredges inland <br />waterway), the Indian River County Housing Authority (addresses housing issues), the Indian River <br />Soil and Water Conservation District (assists agricultural businesses with water conservation <br />activities), and the multi -county St. Johns River Water Management District. There are also two <br />dependent districts in the county. These are the Indian River County Emergency Services District, <br />and the Solid Waste Disposal District. Some of the districts have the power to collect taxes for the <br />operation and maintenance of the facilities they operate. Other districts participate in a state funding <br />program for performance of their assigned functions. <br />To foster coordination between independent and dependent special districts and local general <br />purpose governments, Florida Statutes Section 189.415 requires that each special district submit a <br />public facilities report and an annual notice of any changes to the county in which it is located. The <br />report must include, but not be limited to, a description of existing public facilities owned or <br />operated by the special district; a description of each public facility the district is building, improving <br />or expanding; a description of each public facility the special district currently proposes to replace; <br />anticipated completion time; anticipated capacity of and demands on each public facility when <br />completed; and other requirements as outlined in Section. 189.415, F.S. <br />POLICY 3.9: By 2000, the county shall establish a formal coordination mechanism with adjacent <br />counties and the municipalities in Indian River County to identify joint planning areas (JPA) and to <br />address the following areas: <br />• Improvement in communication between the county and various local, regional, and <br />state agencies <br />• Identification of local and regional resources <br />• Identification of activities having extra -jurisdictional impact <br />• Identification of locally unwanted land uses <br />• Identification of expected impacts <br />• Notification of affected jurisdictions <br />• Development of measures to mitigate impacts <br />• Development of a process to resolve disputes <br />w:\u\v\j\cpta\j u198\ora <br />