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• The density of the project shall not exceed the maximum density of the C-2 (for wetlands) <br />or C-3 (for xeric scrub uplands) designated areas, as applicable; no density transfers from <br />off-site lands and no density bonuses shall be permitted within PD projects on C-2 or C-3 <br />designated lands; <br />• Lots created through the PD process shall not exceed one acre in size and shall be clustered, <br />with the remainder of the area designated as open space; <br />• Open space areas shall be retained as natural areas; however, up to ten percent of the open <br />space in C-3 designated areas may be used for passive recreation (including nature centers <br />and trails, scenic areas, wildlife sanctuaries and feeding stations, and picnic areas), and <br />historical sites, as appropriate. <br />• Within C-3 designated areas, the total area of xeric scrub disturbed by a PD project shall not <br />exceed 20% of the total xeric scrub area occurring on site. <br />The <br />following <br />to <br />PDs <br />in C-2 <br />C-3 designated <br />criteria <br />shall apply <br />and <br />areas: <br />• The density of the project shall not exceed the maximum density of the C-2 (for wetlands) <br />or C-3 (for xeric scrub uplands) designated areas, as applicable; no density transfers from <br />off-site lands and no density bonuses shall be permitted within PD projects on C-2 or C-3 <br />designated lands; <br />• Lots created through the PD process shall not exceed one acre in size and shall be clustered, <br />with the remainder of the area designated as open space; <br />• Open space areas shall be retained as natural areas; however, up to ten percent of the open <br />space in C-3 designated areas may be used for passive recreation (including nature centers <br />and trails, scenic areas, wildlife sanctuaries and feeding stations, and picnic areas), and <br />historical sites, as appropriate. <br />• Within C-3 designated areas, the total area of xeric scrub disturbed by a PD project shall not <br />exceed 20% of the total xeric scrub area occurring on site. <br />