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Therefore, having performed the duties required by law under the appointment of <br />your honors, we pray to be discharged. <br />H.H.Pennington <br />G .E.Barko skie <br />D i slier. <br />The above report was accepted, ordered filed, and advertisement be given for a <br />period of 30 days, as required by law, and if no protest or objection is filed within <br />that time same will be declared a public County road. <br />The question of a jail site came before the Board, the Ci rg Council of the City <br />of Vero Beach, together with the Mayor met with and Board and discussed the preposition. <br />The City Council offered a site at the Horth -east corner of the City hall building,and <br />same was taken under consideration. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Yongue that the <br />attorney for this Board be authorized to take in behalf of the County -an appeal to the <br />Supreme Court of Florida from the order and judgment of the Circuit Court in the man- <br />damus case, involving permit for jail building. On vote being taken those in favor <br />being Corm'issioners Yongue, Hamilton and LaBruce. Xsgs: JCom1 r. Atkin. <br />T. A. Stewart, Receiver of Vero Beach Bank & Trust Co.,eame before the Board to <br />consider the matter of valuation of security held by the Board against the Vero Beach <br />,y <br />Bank & Trust Co. It was ordered this matter be taken up at the first meeting day in <br />De cembe r. <br />It was ordered that the <br />attorney <br />for this Board <br />see what arrangements can be made <br />with the Pauley Jail Bu ildirg <br />Company <br />with reference <br />to the jail contract. <br />The bill for labor on roads having been presented, was examined and found correct <br />same was approved and warrants ordered issued from the Road & Bridge fund in settle- <br />ment of same. The warrants so issued being listed completely in the County Finance <br />Record as provided by law, and reference to said County Finance record is made a part <br />of these minutes as fully and completely as if the said warrants were set out herein <br />in detail. <br />There being no further business- on motion made, seconded and carried the Board <br />then adjourned until the regular meeting in December 1929. <br />ATTEST: <br />A� &I A�� 6? <br />C 1 e rk. <br />Chairman. . <br />