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Last modified
3/26/2019 10:38:03 AM
Creation date
9/30/2015 3:50:38 PM
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Land N. 41st Street and West Indian River Boulevard
Rezone from RS-6 & RM-6 to RM-8
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�9 1� •• 1. <br />The south %i of the north % of the southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of section 26, township <br />32 south, range 39 east lying west of Indian River Boulevard and being more particularly <br />described as commencing at the northwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 <br />of section 26, township 32 south, range 39 east, thence run south 00000'02" west along the <br />west line of said southeast 1/4 of northeast 1/4 a distance of 331.25 feet to the point of <br />beginning; thence run south 89°55'35" east a distance of 1269.30 feet to the west right-of- <br />way of Indian River Boulevard; thence run southeasterly along a curve concave to the <br />northeast having a central angle of 00°44'42", a radius of 6903.96 feet an arc distance of <br />89.77 feet to the intersection of the eastline of said southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4; thence <br />run south 00°08'57" west a distance of 263.78 feet to the south line of the north %2 of the <br />southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4; thence run north 89°53'54" west a distance of 1327.00 feet <br />to the west line of said southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4; thence run north 00°00'02" east <br />along said west line a distance of 331.25 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The north %2 of the north %2 of the southeast 1/4 of northeast 1/4 of section 26, township 32 <br />south, range 39 east lying west of Indian River Boulevard and being more particularly <br />described as beginning at the northwest corner of said southeast 1/4 of northeast 1/4. Thence <br />run south 89°57' 16" east along the north line of said southeast 1/4 of northeast 1/4 a distance <br />of 1005.72 feet to the west right-of-way of Indian River Boulevard; thence run southeasterly <br />along a curve concave to the northeast through a central angle of 3°31'08", a radius of <br />6903.96 feet an arc length of 424.03 feet, thence run north 89°55'35" west a distance of <br />1269.30 feet to the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4; thence run north <br />00°00'02" east a distance of 331.25 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Be changed <br />from RS -6 and <br />RM <br />-6 to <br />RM <br />-8. <br />filing <br />All with <br />the meaning <br />and intent and <br />as set <br />Approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, on <br />this 9`h day of March, 1999. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Press -Journal on the 24`h day of February, 1999 for a public <br />hearing to be held on the 9`h day of March, 1999 at which time it was moved for adoption by <br />Commissioner Adams , seconded by Commissioner S t a n b r i d g e <br />and adopted by the following vote: <br />This ordinance shall become <br />effective upon <br />filing <br />All with <br />the meaning <br />and intent and <br />as set <br />forth <br />and <br />described <br />in said Land <br />Development <br />Aye <br />Regulations. <br />Fran B. <br />Approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, on <br />this 9`h day of March, 1999. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Press -Journal on the 24`h day of February, 1999 for a public <br />hearing to be held on the 9`h day of March, 1999 at which time it was moved for adoption by <br />Commissioner Adams , seconded by Commissioner S t a n b r i d g e <br />and adopted by the following vote: <br />This ordinance shall become <br />effective upon <br />filing <br />with the Department <br />of State. <br />Approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, on <br />this 9`h day of March, 1999. <br />This ordinance was advertised in the Press -Journal on the 24`h day of February, 1999 for a public <br />hearing to be held on the 9`h day of March, 1999 at which time it was moved for adoption by <br />Commissioner Adams , seconded by Commissioner S t a n b r i d g e <br />and adopted by the following vote: <br />Chairman <br />Kenneth <br />R. <br />Macht <br />Aye <br />Aye <br />Vice -Chairman <br />Fran B. <br />Adams <br />Commissioner <br />Caroline <br />D. <br />Ginn Aye <br />Commissioner <br />Ruth M. <br />Stanbridge <br />Aye <br />
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