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of the agency's receipt of the complaint within ten calendar days. <br />F. COMPLAINT/GRIEVANCE RESOLUTION <br />HUD's civil rights official will review the case for <br />acceptance, rejection, or referral within twenty days of <br />acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint. The recipient of <br />federal monies is then notified of the complaint and is given a <br />chance to respond in writing within thirty days of receiving it. <br />HUD officials then attempt to resolve the complaint informally. If <br />informal resolution is not possible, an investigation is conducted <br />resulting in either a dismissal of the complaint or a letter of <br />findings against the recipient which must be issued within 180 days <br />of receipt of the complaint. The letter of findings is then sent <br />via certified mail, return receipt requested, to both the <br />complainant and the recipient. Within ten days of notification of <br />noncompliance, the recipient may volunteer to comply with the <br />regulation. Otherwise, compliance may be effected by the <br />suspension or termination of, or refusal to grant or continue <br />federal financial assistance. <br />This last measure is the end result of a process which goes <br />through many channels: (1) the recipient is notified of its <br />failure to comply, (2) a finding of noncompliance is formally <br />recorded after the recipient has been given the opportunity for a <br />hearing, (3) the Secretary of HUD approves the action, and (4) <br />thirty days expire after the Secretary has filed a report with the <br />committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction <br />