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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />• Enterprise Funds <br />Within governmental entities, various departments often exist that provide goods and services to the <br />public in a manner similar to the private sector. Such departments, classed under the general title <br />"enterprise funds," must raise revenues from outside the government sector. Enterprise departments <br />assess a fee to the customer using the goods or services provided by that department. In Indian River <br />County, the Utility System, Solid Waste Disposal Distnct, Golf Course, Shooting Range, and <br />Building Division are enterprises. <br />Table 6.1 shows that enterprise fund revenue represented 20.08% of Indian River County's total <br />source of funds for FY 2003/04. Figure 6.2 displays the enterprise fund revenue collected by Indian <br />River County over the last six fiscal years. Over that time period, enterprise fund revenue increased <br />34.25%. <br />• User Fees and Charges <br />User fees and charges represent revenue <br />received by the county for providing various <br />general services. User fees and charges are <br />necessary because taxes alone cannot totally <br />keep up with the increasing costs of <br />services. This category includes fees <br />collected by the Tax Collector's Office, the <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Property <br />Appraiser's Office, the Sheriff's <br />D epartment, and the Recreation and Parks <br />D epartment. This category also includes <br />other miscellaneous user fees charged by the <br />county for general services not financed by <br />other fund sources. In FY 2003/04, user <br />fees and charges represented 7.09% of all <br />funds collected by Indian River County. <br />$16,000 <br />$14,000 <br />$12,000 <br />$10,000 <br />$8,000 <br />$6,000 <br />$4,000 <br />$2,000 <br />$- <br />Figure 6.3: User Fees and Charges <br />1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 <br />Revenue (in thousands) <br />Source: Indian River County Finance Department <br />Figure 6.3 displays user fees and charges collected by Indian River County over the last six fiscal <br />years. Over that time period, revenue from user fees and charges has varied, but overall, increased <br />44.55%. <br />Community Development Department <br />Supplement #; Ordinance 2005 - <br />Indian River County <br />4 <br />