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Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvements Element <br />➢ xisting Level -of -Service Standards <br />Level -of -service (LOS) standards are indicators of the extent or degree of service provided by, or <br />proposed to be provided by, a facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the <br />facility. Level -of -service standards indicate the capacity per unit of demand of each public facility. <br />Level -of -service standards can affect the timing and location of development by guiding development <br />to areas where facilities may have excess capacity. Indian River County has level -of -service <br />standards for capital facilities as follows: <br />➢ Correctional Facilities (Countywide) <br />• 4.5 beds per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />➢ Fire/EMS (Countywide, excluding Indian River Shores) <br />• .089 Stations per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />➢ Law Enforcement (Unincorporated County) <br />• 2.09 officers per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />➢ Libraries (Countywide) <br />• 580 building square feet per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />• 3,200 library material items per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />• 0.7 computers per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />• 0.2 other library equipment items per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal <br />population <br />➢ Potable Water (County Service Area) <br />• 250 gallons per day per equivalent residential unit <br />➢ Public Buildings (Countywide) <br />• 1.99 building square feet per capita for permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />➢ Parks/Recreation (Unincorporated County) <br />• 6.61 acres per 1,000 permanent plus weighted peak seasonal population <br />➢ Sanitary Sewer (County Service Area) <br />• 250 gallons per day per equivalent residential unit <br />➢ Schools (Countywide) <br />• 139.07 building square foot per student station (Weighted Average) <br />• 144.71 building square foot per student station (Elementary School) <br />• 117.26 building square foot per student station (Middle School) <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />Supplement #_; Ordinance 2005- <br />24 <br />