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SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. <br />For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings <br />indicated below: <br />(a) "Household" means a person or group of persons living together in a room <br />or group of rooms as a housing unit, but the term does not include persons <br />boarding in or renting a portion of a dwelling. <br />(b) "Household income" means the adjusted gross income, as defined in s. 62 <br />of the United States Internal Revenue Code, of all members of a household. <br />(c) "Property appraiser" means the Indian River County Property Appraiser. <br />SECTION 2. ADDITIONAL HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION. <br />Pursuant to the provisions of Section 196.075, Florida Statutes (2000), beginning <br />January 1, 2002, an additional homestead exemption in the amount of twenty-five <br />thousand dollars ($25,000), which additional homestead exemption applies only to taxes <br />levied by Indian River County, its dependent special districts, and its municipal service <br />taxing units, shall be allowed for any person who has legal or equitable title to real estate <br />and maintains thereon the permanent residence of the owner, who has attained age sixty- <br />five (65), whose household income does not exceed twenty thousand six hundred eighty <br />dollars ($20,680) as adjusted in accordance with Section 3 of this Ordinance, and who <br />submits to the property appraiser a sworn statement of household income in accordance <br />with Section 4 of this Ordinance. <br />SECTION 3. ADJUSTMENT OF INCOME LIMITATION. <br />Beginning January 1, 2002, the twenty thousand six hundred eighty dollar ($20,680) <br />income limitation shall be adjusted annually, on January 1, by the percentage change in <br />the average cost -of -living index, in the period January 1 through December 31 of the <br />immediate prior year compared with the same period for the year prior to that. The index <br />is the average of monthly consumer -price -index figures for the stated twelve (12) month <br />period, relative to the United States as a whole, issued by the United States Department <br />of Labor. <br />SECTION 4. ANNUAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRED. <br />A taxpayer claiming the exemption must submit to the property appraiser, not later <br />than March 1 of each year, a sworn statement of household income on a form prescribed <br />by the Florida Department of Revenue. <br />SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. <br />If any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held by <br />a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such holding shall not <br />affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. <br />