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more) for the purpose of mitigation of hazardous, dangerous or burning materials or <br />fire watch by representatives of Indian River Fire Rescue District. <br />(3) A person who is responsible for the expenditure of extraordinary service <br />or expense shall be required to reimburse the District for said expenses or services. <br />The fire Marshal shall document the expense and related costs and fees that are <br />incurred by the District or its agents, for any extraordinary services and expenses <br />including but not limited to, the actual cost of labor and materials associated with the <br />use of any special extinguishing or abatement agent, chemical, neutralizer or similar <br />equipment (or equipment damage) or materials that are employed or acquired, to <br />extinguish, confine, neutralize or contain any hazardous/dangerous material or <br />substance that may be involved in a fire, accidental spill, or threatens life, property, or is <br />anenvironmental threatening event. The total of all services and expenses shall be <br />submitted to the person responsible for the extraordinary expense or service as a civil <br />penalty together with a citation pursuant to Part II, Chapter 162 F.S. <br />S ection 208.14. Penalties. <br />Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this <br />part shall be subject to punishment as provided by law for a county ordinance. The <br />board of county commissioners may enforce the provisions of this article by seeking <br />injunctive relief or any other remedies provided by law. <br />PART III: AMENDMENT OF OPEN BURNING/AIR CURTAIN INCINERATOR <br />REGULATIONS OF CHAPTER 925 OF THE CODE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br />FLORIDA. <br />CHAPTER 925. OPEN BURNING/AIR CURTAIN INCINERATOR <br />REGULATIONS <br />S ection 925.03. Exemptions. <br />The following activities are exempt from the provisions of this chapter: <br />(1) — (4) No change. <br />(5) Open burning activities to reduce yard trash and household paper products <br />generated on occupied residential premises of not more than two-family dwelling <br />units, subject to setbacks, time frames, and other conditions and restrictions as <br />set forth in Chapter 62-256 17 256, Florida Administrative Code, as may be <br />amended, and as administered by the State Division of Forestry (DOF). <br />S ection 925.04. Open burning prohibited; air curtain incinerator permit <br />requirements. <br />Except as exempt in section 925.03, it shall be unlawful to burn or allow the open <br />burning of materials discarded incidental to land clearing or construction activities, <br />provided, however, that nothing in this chapter prohibits burning in an approved type of <br />air curtain incinerator meeting specifications of Chapter 62-256 17 256, Florida <br />Administrative Code, upon issuance of and in compliance with a permit to use an air <br />F:\Attorney\Bill\Ordinance Amendments\Fire Code\Final Ordinance.doc <br />