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ORDINANCE NO. 2005- 029 <br />Declare certain areas off limits. <br />Make provisions for availability and use of temporary emergency housing <br />and emergency warehousing of materials. <br />f. Establish emergency operating centers and shelters in addition to or in <br />place of those provided for in the county's emergency plan. <br />g. Declare that during an emergency it shall be unlawful and an offense <br />against Indian River County for any person to use the fresh water supplied <br />by thecounty or the City of Vero Beach for any purpose other than <br />cooking, drinking or bathing. <br />h. Declare that during an emergency it shall be unlawful and an offense <br />against Indian River County for any person operating within the county to <br />charge more than the normal average retail price for any merchandise, <br />goods, or services sold during the emergency. The average retail price at <br />which similar merchandise, goods, or services was being sold during the <br />n inety (90) days immediately preceding the emergency or at a mark-up <br />which is a larger percentage over wholesale cost than was being added to <br />wholesale cost prior to the emergency. <br />Confiscate merchandise, equipment, vehicles or property needed to <br />alleviate the emergency. Reimbursement shall be within sixty (60) days <br />and at customary value charge for the items during ninety (90) days <br />previous to the emergency. <br />j. Preceding or during the emergency request assistance of the National <br />Guard or the Army, Coast Guard, or other law enforcement divisions as <br />n ecessary to assist in the mitigation of the emergency or to help maintain <br />law and order, rescue, and traffic control. <br />k. Enter onto private streets and rights-of-way within any subdivision for the <br />purpose of collection of debris located in the right-of-way or utility <br />e asements. Prior to entry upon any private streets or rights-of-way, the <br />owner of said streets and rights-of-way must agree in writing to hold the <br />County, State and United States harmless from liability associated with <br />the removal of debris. The powers enumcrated in this ccction arc <br />The powers enumerated in this section are illustrative and shall not be <br />construed as a limitation on authority. <br />(Ord. No. 91-18, § 1, 5-7-91) <br />SECTION 2. CODIFICATION. <br />It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners that the provisions of <br />this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Indian River County Code and <br />the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word <br />or phrase and the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to <br />accomplish such intention; providing, however, that Sections 2, 3 and 4 shall not be <br />codified. <br />3 <br />Coding: Words underscored are additions to text; words in str-i-kethrough format are <br />deletions to text. <br />