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2008- 023 <br />environmental requirements, or recommendations from stormwater management <br />improvements recommended by jurisdictional agencies. <br />• That the quantity of excess fill to be hauled off-site requires more than two (2) <br />months of excavation and hauling activity., An initial permit allowing four (1) <br />months of n-imin <br />and haulm_ be by An <br />activity may issued county staff. 111 <br />tial <br />extension (6) four (7) <br />of six months, a second extension of months, and a third <br />four be by <br />that <br />extension of (4) months, may granted staff if and <br />the applicait has <br />demonstrated comsliance with count niinin. re ulations for the initial period(s) of <br />alining activity and if the applicant demonstrates that the requested timeframe (up <br />to 18 continuous months) extension(s) is. a-rree necessary to excavate and haul the <br />quantity of material involved. <br />• As a condition of site plan approval for an incidental to construction <br />mining operation conducted under this subsection [931.01(7)(b)7.], the <br />public works director may require public road repair work or funds or <br />security to guarantee such work, representing an amount of up to twenty <br />thousand dollars ($20,000.00). The public works director may adjust this <br />(8) Maintenance dredging of lakes or canals. No fill material generated by maintenance of <br />ponds on single-family lots or parcels shall be transferred off site. <br />(9) <br />A pond or ponds on a single-family residential lot or parcel, provided that: <br />(a) The total surface area of the pond or ponds is not greater than one-half ( 1/2) acre in <br />size or thirty-five (35) percent of the lot or parcel, whichever is more restrictive, <br />except that the community development director or his designee may approve <br />a larger pond area if the applicant adequately demonstrates that a larger pond <br />is necessary to satisfy the need for till on site; <br />(b) No excavation takes place within fifty (50) feet of the lot property line. <br />Notwithstanding, in cases where the pond is necessary to meet stormwater <br />management cut and fill balance requirements, said setback may be reduced to <br />twenty-five (25) percent of parcel width perpendicular to a given lot line, as <br />applicable; <br />(c) The excavation does not disturb any existing wetland; <br />(d) Pond depth does not exceed twelve (12) feet; <br />(e) Side slopes are not greater than one foot vertical to four (4) feet horizontal; <br />(f) There will be nNo hauling of excavated material is hauled from the property <br />unless the excavation is conducted to satisfy cut and fill balance requirements for <br />stormwater management purposes, as verified by the county engineer, provided <br />removal of excavated material off-site is the minimum necessary to satisfy said <br />requirements; <br />Double Underline Text: Non Workshop Changes <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />Strike through: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2008\2008- 934 Excavation(after12-19-08).RTF <br />4 <br />