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ORDINANCE 2007- 012 <br />SECTION #1: AMENDMENTS. <br />Section 901.03, Definitions, is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Buffer strip land area which may contain plant material, vegetated berm, fencing, or other <br />landscaping that is used to separate developed land from a roadway or to separate one use from <br />another for the purpose of creating an attractive and opaque boundary to shield or block noise, <br />light or other nuisances used f physieal of spatial pafat- • (Also see "screening"). <br />Section 911.08(6)(D), multi -family green space and/or recreation space standards, is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />*D. Green space and/or recreation space: All multi -family developments must set <br />aside a minimum of seven and one-half (7.5) percent of the total project site area <br />as dedicated to green space and/or recreation space. Upland preserves and <br />wetland areas, and created littoral zones may be credited towards this <br />requirement. Recreation tracts shall be located, designed, constructed, maintained <br />and operated in such a manner that minimizes adverse noise and lighting impacts <br />on adjacent or nearby developments. For purposes of this regulation, "recreation <br />space" may include recreational facilities and amenities such as parks, ball courts, <br />and pools. Common spaces credited toward meeting this requirement shall be <br />located and designed to be conveniently accessible to all project residents, and <br />shall be sized, located, and designed to function as a project amenity such as a <br />park, conservation area, open air recreation facility, or other similar type of <br />amenity. <br />Recreation tracts located within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of the <br />boundary of the development shall be either: <br />a. Designated on a final plat, or other document recorded in the <br />public records, as being used for passive recreation uses: no active <br />uses, such as but not limited to basketball or tennis courts, shall be <br />permitted on these tracts. <br />b. Buffered from adjacent development boundaries with a minimum <br />twenty-five (25) foot wide Type B (or better) buffer with a six-foot <br />opaque feature (see Chapter 926). <br />2. Any and all lighting used within recreation tracts shall be approved by the <br />county and shall be adequately shielded to prevent lighting or glare from <br />encroaching on to properties adjacent to or nearby the development. <br />Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />St fi e *t,,.,.,,,.t,: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:ACommunity Development\Users\CurDevAORDINANCE\2007\2007- 901, 911, 913, 926, 930, & 934 Landscaping.RTF <br />2 <br />