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ORDINANCE 2006-011 <br />(e) Any requested change to a development project subsequent to issuance of a <br />development order shall be subject to additional proportionate fair -share <br />contributions to the extent the change would increase proiect costs or generate <br />additional traffic that would require mitigation. <br />(f) Applicants may withdraw from a proportionate fair -share agreement at any time <br />prior to the execution of the agreement. The application fee and any associated <br />advertising costs to the County are nonrefundable. <br />(g) The County may enter into proportionate fair -share agreements for selected <br />corridor improvements to facilitate collaboration among multiple applicants on <br />improvements to a shared transportation facility. <br />(9) Appropriation of Fair=Share Revenues <br />(a) Proportionate fair -share revenues shall be placed in the appropriate proiect <br />account for funding of scheduled improvements in the County capital <br />improvements element, or as otherwise established in the terms of the <br />proportionate fair -share agreement. Proportionate fair -share revenues may also <br />be used as the 50% local match for funding under the FDOT Transportation <br />Regional Incentive Program (TRIP). <br />(b) In the event a scheduled facility improvement is removed from the CIP, then the <br />proportionate fair share revenues collected for its construction may be applied <br />toward the construction of alternative improvements within that same corridor or <br />sector where the alternative improvement will mitigate the impacts of the <br />development proiect on the congested roadway(s) for which the original <br />proportionate fair share contribution was made. <br />4. Renumbering LDR Sections 910.12 and 910.13 to Section 910.13 and 910.14 <br />Section 910.12 910.13. Appeal process and vested rights determination. <br />(1) Purpose and intent. This section is established to provide a mechanism for the <br />hearing and decision of appeals of decisions or actions by the community development director or <br />his designee on concurrency determinations and vested rights determinations. <br />(2) Authorization. <br />(a) The board of county commissioners of Indian River County is hereby authorized to: <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 12 <br />Strike thr- ,ti& Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\kmassung\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKF\2006-_ CHAPTER 910 CMS Proportionateshare.rtf <br />