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f. Endangered and threatened plants or animals, if required by Chapter <br />929; <br />g. Archeological resources, if required by Chapter 933. <br />2. A description of existing site conditions including: <br />a. Soil conditions and analysis; <br />b. Groundwater table; <br />C* Drainage pattern on-site and within two hundred (200) feet of the site <br />boundary; <br />d. The extent, area, and type of all native vegetation communities; and <br />e. Floodplain data on-site and within two hundred (200) feet of the <br />subject site. <br />3. A sketch showing: <br />a. Any existing water management or utility facilities; <br />b. Proposed stormwater management plan and control facilities and <br />general grading plan; <br />c. Utility sources, distribution and collection lines, if available, <br />(including but not limited to water, sewer, fire hydrants, electricity, <br />cable television and telephone); <br />d. Proposed locations of streetlights, sidewalks and bike paths, if any; <br />and <br />e. Proposed finished grade elevations of all lots. <br />4* if any „f this inf mi tie At, the pre -application conference, staff may <br />determine that some or all information requirements in 1-3 above are not <br />applicable;: a eleaflyNrisible to shall be en the .a, -..,ring in ieating ,A,L,;eh OF <br />the .,L eve ; not . plieab.e to the site* <br />5. A written statement, signed by the applicant, certifying that a sign, <br />meeting the requirements below, has been posted on the site. The signed <br />written statement shall be accompanied by a dated photograph or digital <br />photo image of the sign posted on the project site. <br />a. Sign specifications: The sign shall have minimum dimensions of <br />16" x 21" and shall have a light-colored background (yellow or <br />white) that provides high contrast with dark lettering. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 2 <br />Strike th..,, Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2006\2006- Chapters 913 and 914.RTF <br />