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ORDINANCE 2005- 017 <br />(6) Connection to pedestrian system. Projects fronting on roads with existing or <br />planned/required sidewalks and/or bikeways shall provide a pedestrian path from the project to the <br />existing or future sidewalk and/or bikeway. Said pedestrian path shall have a minimum width of <br />five (5) feet, shall consist of a rigid surface meeting Florida Accessibility Code requirements, and <br />may include properly marked areas that cross parking lots and driveways. <br />(7) Architectural/building standards. <br />(a) Prohibited architectural styles: The following are prohibited: <br />1. Corporate signature or commercial prototype architecture, unless such is <br />consistent with these special corridor requirements. Examples of such <br />prohibited architecture include flat roofed convenience stores, gas stations, <br />and canopies for gas stations, car washes, and drive through facilities (see <br />Figure B-1 in 911.19). <br />2. Any kitsch architecture (such as a building that does not resemble a typical <br />structure), including: structures or elements that resemble an exaggerated <br />plant, fish, edible food, or other such items such as giant oranges, ice cream <br />cones, dinosaurs. <br />3. Any architecture having a historical reference that is so different from current <br />design philosophy that such reference is inconsistent and/or incompatible <br />with surrounding structures. Examples of such include: igloos, domes or <br />geodesic domes, Quonset style structures, teepees, log cabins, western "false <br />fronts," medieval castles, caves, and the like. <br />(b) Architectural/building special requirements for shopping centers and out parcels: <br />The materials, exterior finishes, signage and colors of shopping centers and <br />structures developed on shopping center outparcels shall be compatible and <br />harmonious with each other as determined by which structures are developed first <br />This requirement maybe waived by the community development department if: <br />1. The initial shopping center or outparcel was built prior to the enactment of <br />the corridor special regulations and <br />2. It is determined by the community development department that enforcement <br />of this requirement would conflict with the intent of these corridor special <br />requirements. <br />(c) General design criteria: <br />1. Buildings with facades fronting on more than one street shall have similar <br />design considerations (e.g. roof treatment, building articulation, entrance <br />features, and window placement) and consistent detailing on all street <br />frontages. <br />2. General prohibitions and restrictions: <br />a. Flat, blank, unarticulated, or massive facades fronting on a roadway, <br />exclusive access drive or residentially designated area are prohibited. <br />NOTE: All wording is new wording for new Section 911.22 <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2005\Chapter 911.22 Other Corridors.rtf <br />7 <br />