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ORDINANCE 2003- 002 <br />a. Where a school building is to be located adjacent to a property zoned RM7 <br />6 RM -8 RM -10 commercial or industrial and there is a non-residential use or <br />reduced setback project (small lot subdivision or planned development) on that <br />adjacent property, then the building setback along that adjacent property may be <br />reduced to no less than 25'. <br />b. Where a school is to be located adjacent to property zoned RM -4, RM -3, <br />single-family, or agricultural, and there is a non-residential and non-agricultural <br />use on that adjacent -Property, then the building setback may be reduced to no less <br />than 50'. <br />4. The applicant shall submit a description of anticipated service area and projected <br />enrollment, by stages if appropriate, and relate the same to a development plan <br />explaining: <br />a. Area to be developed by construction phase; <br />b. Adequacy of site to accommodate anticipated facilities, enrollment, <br />recreation area, off-street parking, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation on-site <br />including loading, unloading and queuing of school bus traffic; <br />c. Safety features of the development plan; <br />5. No rooms within the school shall be regularly used for the housing of students <br />when located in a single-family residential district; <br />6. The facilities shall have a Type "C" buffer in the A-1, A-2, A-3, RFD, RS -1, RS - <br />21 RS -3 and RS -6 districts; <br />a. The board of county commissioners may waive or reduce the buffer <br />requirements where the educational facility is located next to an existing <br />cemetery, place of worship, child care facility, adult care facility, community <br />center, or school. Consideration shall be given to security, noise, and visual <br />impacts. Where a waiver or buffer reduction is granted, normal perimeter <br />landscaping requirements shall apply, and alternative requirements (such as <br />fencing) may be required. <br />7. The facilities shall have a Type "D" buffer in all other residential districts not <br />listed in subsection 6 above. <br />a. The board of county commissioners may waive or reduce the buffer <br />requirements where the educational facility is located next to an existing <br />cemetery, place of worship, child care facility, adult care facility, community <br />center, or school. Consideration shall be given to security, noise, and visual <br />impacts. Where a waiver or buffer reduction is granted, normal perimeter <br />landscaping requirements shall apply, and alternative requirements (such as <br />fencing) may be required. <br />Coding: Words ins ah type are deletions from existing law. Words underlined are additions. <br />F:\Community Deve lopttreat\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCHVSetbuck Reductions for Schools 0. OC <br />