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2007- 030 <br />in the land use plan density for- the SUbjeet PFOPeFt�- <br />(iii) Open spaee afeas shall be retained as natural afeas or used fOr- agr-ielilltld <br />uses; however- Lip to thit4y peFeellt Of the open spaee afea may be used faf <br />areas and tWenty (en) pereent in AG 3 areas.—Applicants shall identify <br />Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater management <br />systems and uses/facilities within the project for which generally <br />recognized BMPs have been established (e.g. agricultural uses, golf <br />courses). BMPs shall address construction, maintenance, and <br />operation Applicants shall also identify the agency or organization <br />that will certify the project design and operations as meeting BMPs, <br />and shall identify the certification process. Project construction, <br />maintenance, and operations shall comply with the BMPs identified in <br />the approved PD plan, and the county may attach PD approval <br />conditions that ensure compliance with BMPs. Required project BMPs <br />may be updated and modified by modifying the approved PD plan in <br />accordance with regulations that govern PD modifications. <br />(iv) All recreational amenities within the project shall be depicted on the <br />PD plan and identified as required improvements. Recreational uses, <br />such as vehicle or watercraft racing, that could constitute a nuisance to <br />adjacent properties, shall not be permitted. <br />Complementary and compatible agriculturally -related commercial and industrial <br />uses may be included provided they occupy no more than ten (10) percent of the <br />total project gross area. <br />SECTION #2: <br />Amend section 91.5.13(1), PD regulations in areas designated as agriculture, to read as follows: <br />(1) Location and restrictions. Residential uses may be established within a P.D. project area, <br />in a manner consistent with the applicable compatibility standards of this section (915.13) and section <br />915.16, where the underlying comprehensive plan land use designation allows such uses and where such <br />uses are approved as accessory to an allowable use. <br />(A) Residential development may be allowed in areas designated as agriculture on the <br />comprehensive plan land use map, subject to the following restrictions. <br />1. The density of the project shall not exceed the maximum density of the AG land <br />use designation; no density transfers from off-site lands and no density bonuses <br />shall be permitted within PD projects in AG designated lands; <br />2. Lots created through the PD process shall not exeeed ane aeFe in not be less <br />than 1 acre in size, with the remainder of the area designated as open space;_ <br />3. Such 9open space areas shall be provided in contiguous areas established <br />through an open space, recreation, conservation and/or agricultural <br />preservation easement(s) or similar instrument acceptable to the county <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />�e� � h; Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2007\2007-_91 1.14(2) Ag uses.RTF <br />