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ORDINANCE NO. 2003= 016 <br />5. Cumulative effect. No certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion shall be issued <br />for any project proposing access from an unpaved road, including a thoroughfare plan road, <br />where the subject access road's volume with the project traffic will exceed two hundred (200) <br />average daily trips, until one of the three following items is satisfied: <br />a. the road accessing the project is paved from the project's access point(s) to a paved public <br />road, or <br />b. the road accessing the project is guaranteed to be paved through an approved and funded <br />road improvement project (such as through a grant or approved petition paving project), or <br />c. the applicant has submitted the project's share of petition pavingcosts" <br />For subdivisions, no final plat approval shall be granted until adequate provisions have been <br />made for paving and paving is complete prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for <br />structures on a subdivision lot or parcel, as per Chapter 913, Subdivisions and Plats. <br />Provisions specified below under (d) 1., 2., 3., and 4. shall apply. <br />In considering the cumulative effect of small traffic attracting/generating project(s) on a <br />road(s) or on an area, the board of county commissioners may determine the need for a <br />forced petition or assessment for road paving purposes in developed or developing areas, and <br />may impose such an assessment. <br />(d) Large traffic attractors/generators. Projects determined to be large traffic <br />attractors/generators, defined as projects generating one hundred (100) or more average daily <br />trips, shall provide for road paving as follows: <br />1. Access road frontage to access point(s). The road accessing the project, including a <br />thoroughfare plan road, shall be paved from the project's access point(s) to a paved public <br />road. The design of the connection shall be in accordance with county design standards. Said <br />paving shall be completed, and improvements inspected and approved by the county, prior to <br />the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all or any portion of the project. <br />2. Remaining access road frontage. For the paving of portions of a project's access road <br />frontage not covered in the above paving requirement (d) 1., the applicant shall submit funds <br />in the amount of the project's share of petition paving costs prior to the issuance of a <br />certificate of occupancy for all or any portion of the project. Said funds shall be held by the <br />county to be used for the paving of the road accessing the project. The road segment to be <br />funded and later paved shall include all of the project's frontage on the road. Where access <br />roads are designated on the transportation capital improvements program, traffic impact fees <br />shall substitute for escrowing funds. <br />I Upon receipt of said funds, staff shall initiate a paving_project request, if none has already been initiated.. <br />CODING: Underscored wording is additional wording to existing law. <br />F:\Conanututy Deve lopment\Users\CurDev\ORD[NANCE\PubGc R0ad Pavutg - Escrowutg Requveinents J. OC <br />