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ORDINANCE 2006-QQ5 <br />Alhefe preser-Nzation of fifteen (15) per-eent of the native upland plant eemmunities on site is not feasible giN <br />e^ifi^ ^h^r^^teri^ti, The county shall permit off-site preservation and/or habitat creation (t Te for- type) as an <br />alternative to on-site fifteen (15) percent preservation when on-site preservation would preclude reasonable use of the site <br />due to site-specific characteristics. In such cases the off-site preservation or creation area must be "type -for -type" plant <br />community and of a size equal to or Greater than the alternative on-site 15% set-aside. The off-site preservation or creation <br />area must be contiguous to another conservation area. When an off-site preservation or creation area is proposed, the <br />applicant shall provide a management plan for the area to ensure long-term viabilitypreserved or created habitat as the <br />case may be. The manag.ementlan shall be subject to approval b city environmental planning staff. Moreevef, as an <br />ineen raets 3vNrhieh przavide ffiefe habitat value than linear- bafffer- set aside afeas, the e0tint shall <br />allow a per-eentage r-edtietion to a of ten (10) per-eent of the etimalative native plant een*nunit aer-eage, <br />these . areas that a of aside as �,t;,.uetts t. Get <br />0 0 0 ^v=Icrguvuo II�.�,I. <br />(3) In cases where a project developer demonstrates that preservation of fifteen (15) percent of the native upland plant <br />communities on-site would preclude reasonable use of the site due to site-specific characteristics, and off-site type -for - <br />type native upland preservation is not a practicable alternative, the developer Development pr-ejeets proposed for- !an <br />* of native upland plant ^ ffH+ ~:Mies may, as a last art alternative to fifteen (15) percent preservation of <br />C. RTI'GTT N�liTS IIii"[I Y � TR1L TRIT�ivv <br />the on-site community, pay a fee equivalent to (the assessed fair market value of one acre of the project site) X (the <br />number of acres of habitat type that would otherwise have been set-aside as fifteen (15) percent preservation.). In such <br />cases the developer shall provide county staff with an independent certified Member Appraisal Institute (MAI) appraisal <br />of current per -acre fair market value of the area that would otherwise have been set-aside. For purposes of this section, a <br />"current" MAI appraisal is an appraisal that has been certified no earlier than four months prior to development project <br />approval. As a last alternative; this fee -in -lieu of native upland set-aside shall be payable to the county prior to the <br />issuance of a land development permit and shall be used by the county for acquisition of comparable native habitat <br />preserve areas and/or for management of such lands. <br />(4) The areal extent of native upland plant communities occurring on a site shall be verified by county environmental <br />planning staff, based on field inspection and review of a vegetation survey to be submitted by the applicant. <br />(a) The vegetation survey shall consist of an aerial photograph (or blueprint thereof) or sketch prepared to a <br />scale no smaller than one inch to two hundred (200) feet which delineates native upland plant communities <br />by general category (reference section 929.02(1)), and distinguishes such communities from non-native <br />plant communities and/or disturbed areas occurring on the site. <br />(b) Native upland plant communities shall be determined using Appendix &A, 'Ecological Communities Flora <br />and Fauna Tables, of the conservation element of the county comprehensive plan as a general reference. <br />The Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, the Soil and Water Conservation District,•and the <br />Florida Division of Forestry shall also be consulted as needed to aid in plant community delineation. <br />(c) For purposes of calculating the areal extent of native upland plant communities occurring on-site, the <br />following areas shall not be included: <br />Areas of the subject property intmdate predominated by any one or combination of the following <br />nuisance exotic species: <br />- Page 2 of 4 - <br />Underline depicts addition of text; .,,,.:'ugh depicts deletion of text. <br />;PT nniy Dcclopmcn ,t.scr,W.)I.1N[:>;I DK11)29SC! &aide NVAaiire Lpi .lmulo ord [ir.adoc <br />control; <br />fire <br />hazard <br />prevention; <br />passive <br />recreational <br />use <br />(if <br />proposed); <br />boundM <br />signage <br />and fencing; <br />and <br />shall <br />identify <br />the <br />entity <br />responsible <br />for <br />long-term <br />maintenance. <br />The <br />management <br />plan <br />shall <br />be <br />subject <br />to <br />approval <br />by county environmental <br />planning <br />and emergency services <br />staff. <br />Alhefe preser-Nzation of fifteen (15) per-eent of the native upland plant eemmunities on site is not feasible giN <br />e^ifi^ ^h^r^^teri^ti, The county shall permit off-site preservation and/or habitat creation (t Te for- type) as an <br />alternative to on-site fifteen (15) percent preservation when on-site preservation would preclude reasonable use of the site <br />due to site-specific characteristics. In such cases the off-site preservation or creation area must be "type -for -type" plant <br />community and of a size equal to or Greater than the alternative on-site 15% set-aside. The off-site preservation or creation <br />area must be contiguous to another conservation area. When an off-site preservation or creation area is proposed, the <br />applicant shall provide a management plan for the area to ensure long-term viabilitypreserved or created habitat as the <br />case may be. The manag.ementlan shall be subject to approval b city environmental planning staff. Moreevef, as an <br />ineen raets 3vNrhieh przavide ffiefe habitat value than linear- bafffer- set aside afeas, the e0tint shall <br />allow a per-eentage r-edtietion to a of ten (10) per-eent of the etimalative native plant een*nunit aer-eage, <br />these . areas that a of aside as �,t;,.uetts t. Get <br />0 0 0 ^v=Icrguvuo II�.�,I. <br />(3) In cases where a project developer demonstrates that preservation of fifteen (15) percent of the native upland plant <br />communities on-site would preclude reasonable use of the site due to site-specific characteristics, and off-site type -for - <br />type native upland preservation is not a practicable alternative, the developer Development pr-ejeets proposed for- !an <br />* of native upland plant ^ ffH+ ~:Mies may, as a last art alternative to fifteen (15) percent preservation of <br />C. RTI'GTT N�liTS IIii"[I Y � TR1L TRIT�ivv <br />the on-site community, pay a fee equivalent to (the assessed fair market value of one acre of the project site) X (the <br />number of acres of habitat type that would otherwise have been set-aside as fifteen (15) percent preservation.). In such <br />cases the developer shall provide county staff with an independent certified Member Appraisal Institute (MAI) appraisal <br />of current per -acre fair market value of the area that would otherwise have been set-aside. For purposes of this section, a <br />"current" MAI appraisal is an appraisal that has been certified no earlier than four months prior to development project <br />approval. As a last alternative; this fee -in -lieu of native upland set-aside shall be payable to the county prior to the <br />issuance of a land development permit and shall be used by the county for acquisition of comparable native habitat <br />preserve areas and/or for management of such lands. <br />(4) The areal extent of native upland plant communities occurring on a site shall be verified by county environmental <br />planning staff, based on field inspection and review of a vegetation survey to be submitted by the applicant. <br />(a) The vegetation survey shall consist of an aerial photograph (or blueprint thereof) or sketch prepared to a <br />scale no smaller than one inch to two hundred (200) feet which delineates native upland plant communities <br />by general category (reference section 929.02(1)), and distinguishes such communities from non-native <br />plant communities and/or disturbed areas occurring on the site. <br />(b) Native upland plant communities shall be determined using Appendix &A, 'Ecological Communities Flora <br />and Fauna Tables, of the conservation element of the county comprehensive plan as a general reference. <br />The Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, the Soil and Water Conservation District,•and the <br />Florida Division of Forestry shall also be consulted as needed to aid in plant community delineation. <br />(c) For purposes of calculating the areal extent of native upland plant communities occurring on-site, the <br />following areas shall not be included: <br />Areas of the subject property intmdate predominated by any one or combination of the following <br />nuisance exotic species: <br />- Page 2 of 4 - <br />Underline depicts addition of text; .,,,.:'ugh depicts deletion of text. <br />;PT nniy Dcclopmcn ,t.scr,W.)I.1N[:>;I DK11)29SC! &aide NVAaiire Lpi .lmulo ord [ir.adoc <br />