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The following formula is used to calculate the RAR: <br />Total number of units allowed - Number of units existing in 4-995 2005 <br />Total number of units needed in 2020 - number of units existing in -1-995 2005 <br />• That information was converted to Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ). <br />family lots in each TAZ. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />acreage in each TAZ. <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />According to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Housing Element, there were 33,365 42,841 <br />units existing in the unincorporated county in 1995 2005. That element projects Based on <br />projections, there will be a need for 19,184 63,898 units in the unincorporated county in 2020. <br />Therefore, 15,819 21,057 new units are needed during the 4-995 2005 to 2020 time period. <br />Based on the above data, the RAR can be determined as follows: <br />106,442 33,365 – 73,077 <br />19,181 33,365 – 15,819 <br />91,119 – 42,841 = 48,278 <br />63,898- 42,841 = 21,057 <br />Thus, county's current residential allocation ratio is: 7-3-44-7-7/4-578-1-9-4 L. 48,278 / 21,057= 2.29. <br />comprehensive plan than under the plan resulting from the compliance agreement. <br />Pages60 and 61 of the Future Land Use Element <br />Supplement # Ordinance # 2005 <br />Adopted 2005 <br />Exhibit A <br />