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EXHIBIT A <br />PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />Policy 8.3: The county shall coordinate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the <br />Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, and other appropriate agencies to ensure <br />that rare, threatened, or endangered plant or animal species identified or expected to <br />occur on county recreational and open space lands are protected from adverse <br />development impacts. Protection measures shall include: conducting an environmental <br />survey prior to site development, preserving native vegetative communities on county - <br />owned land to the maximum extent feasible, and where feasible, relocating animals to <br />undeveloped portions of the site. <br />Policy 8.4: Consistent with Rule 9J-5:012 and Chapter 380, F. S.1 the county shall, in <br />1998, adopt a Manatee Protection and Boating Safety Comprehensive Management Plan, <br />Policy 8.5: The county shall support the establishment of recreational access sites and <br />improvements in the Upper St. Johns River Basin in Indian River County by providing <br />construction funding assistance and, where feasible, construction materials. <br />Policy 8.6: Consistent with Conservation Policy 6.4, the county, in evaluating lands to be <br />acquired for conservation purposes, will give priority to those lands that create new or <br />enhancedreg enways and recreational trail systems. <br />Underline words are proposed additional text to the Indian River County Comprehensive Plan. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />F:\Community Development\Users\LONG I2 ANGE\Comprian\Cr i A\Environmental and Conservation\Comp plan text amend draft <br />081503.doc <br />