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ORDINANCE 2007-033 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />counts between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., and 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., <br />using 15 -minute intervals. Counts not taken during the peak season shall be factored, <br />based on county traffic counts in the project area, to represent peak season conditions. <br />Level of service calculations shall be based on the Operational Analysis methodology <br />described in the Wil) latest edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. <br />- Future levels of service shall be calculated for the buildout date of the proposed project, <br />as well as for any intermediate development phases. Conditions with and without the <br />proposed development shall be evaluated and documented. Conditions with the <br />development shall be based on a combined traffic volume of the projected peak <br />hour/peak season traffic generated by the site and the projected peak hour/peak season <br />background traffic. The background traffic shall be calculated based on one of the <br />following methods: <br />a) Increase the existing peak season traffic to the buildout date based on historical <br />growth trends over a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years. Traffic <br />generated by committed developments which would impact the study area shall <br />also be included subject to appeal to reviewing agencies. <br />b) Increase the existing peak season traffic to the buildout date based on an <br />interpolation using traffic volumes projected by the county. The county reserves <br />the right to require method "a" to be used if it feels traffic projections may be <br />inaccurate due to recent changes in land use or roadway improvements. <br />Roadway improvements which are committed and scheduled to be complete at or before <br />the project buildout, or development phase, date may be included when calculating future <br />levels of service. <br />Roadway improvements which are necessary to maintain projected peak hour -peak <br />season peak direction conditions at a level of service consistent with Policy LI shall be <br />identified. <br />