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CONCLUSION: <br />Since the above-mentioned ordinances contain an error in the description of that portion of the <br />Conservation Area described as Parcel A, please retain copies of the attached documents in the <br />file where you hold Ordinances 2004-033 and 2005-003 so that the correct description will be <br />at hand. I have also tabbed the Surveyor's corrected legal description of Conservation Parcel <br />A consisting of 74.94 square feet more or less. <br />WGC/nhm <br />Attachments <br />cc: Robert M. Keating, AICP - Community Development Director <br />Bruce Barkett, Esq. <br />P.S. Please note correspondence from Mr. Barkett dated May 18, 2005 (attached) which <br />represents that the increase in the RS -6 area of .038 acres is only 1,655.28 square feet <br />which is significantly less than the size of one building lot in the RS -6 district and <br />whereby he represents on behalf of the Liers and the buyer that this is a diminimus <br />correction which will not result in any additional residential units on the property. <br />• <br />2 <br />F:\Attorney\Nancy\DOCS\MEMO\tier rezoning.doc <br />