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2008- 002 <br />Upon submission, each concurrency application will be placed in a queue Each application <br />will then be evaluated in the order in which it was received. As each application is <br />evaluated, the demand reflected by that application will be compared to the available <br />capacity for each facility, as described in sections 910.08 910.09 and 910.11. As demand is <br />allocated by approving applications, available capacity will be reduced. <br />If any facility has insufficient capacity to accommodate a proposed application, the <br />following will occur: <br />(a) If the applicant has indicated on his application that he would accept less capacity than <br />requested if available capacity is inadequate to accommodate his demand, then he will <br />be allocated the remaining available capacity and the concurrency certificate will be <br />conditioned on a comparable reduction in project size. <br />(b) If the applicant has indicated on his application that he would not accept less capacity <br />than requested if available capacity is inadequate to accommodate his demand, then his <br />application request will be denied. <br />(4) The following departments shall be responsible for evaluating the adequacy of existing and <br />planned facilities with regard to concurrency applications: <br />(5) <br />(a) The utilities department shall evaluate solid waste levels of service; <br />(b) The public works department shall evaluate roadway levels of service; <br />(c) The public works department shall evaluate drainage levels of service; <br />(d) The utilities department shall evaluate potable water levels of service; <br />(e) The utilities department shall evaluate sanitary sewer levels of service; and <br />(f) The community development department shall evaluate park levels of service. <br />The evaluating agencies, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the application from the <br />community development department, shall provide the coordinating agency a letter or other <br />instrument for each concurrency application. The evaluating agencies shall assess the level <br />of service for all facilities which will be impacted by the proposed development, determine <br />the extent of the impact generated by the proposed development, and determine whether <br />those facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the development at, or above, adopted levels <br />of service. <br />The applicant shall meet all the requirements of the evaluating agencies in order to be <br />eligible for approval of the concurrency application. No concurrency certificate will be <br />approved until each evaluating agency is satisfied that sufficient capacity is available to <br />accommodate the demand represented by the application. The applicant through an <br />enforceable development agreement with the evaluating agency may mitigate deficiencies in <br />order to satisfy the concurrency review. <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 4 <br />Strike 13Feti, h Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2008\2008- 910 (1-8-08BCC).RTF <br />