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A. On November 3, 1998, the voters of Florida adopted Revision 7 to the Florida <br />Constitution to amend Article V of the Florida Constitution to address the problem of disparate <br />court funding throughout the separate counties of Florida; and <br />B . During the 2003 session of the Legislature, the Legislature amended various provisions <br />of the Florida Statutes to comply with the requirements of Revision 7 by enacting Chapter 2003- <br />402, Laws of Florida; and <br />C. After review, during the 2004 session, the Legislature further amended various <br />provisions of the Florida Statutes by enacting Chapter 2004-265, Laws of Florida, to provide a <br />more equitable distribution of responsibility for funding the court system; and <br />E . In Chapter 2004-265, Laws of Florida, the Florida Legislature created Section 939.185, <br />Florida Statutes (2004) to provide an additional funding source for the court system to counties by <br />allowing each county to adopt a county ordinance assessing additional court costs, not to exceed <br />$65.00; and <br />F. The additional funding allowed in section 939.185, Florida Statutes (2004) must be <br />used for: (1) funding innovations in the court system and local requirements under section <br />29.008(2)(a)2, Florida Statutes (2004); (2) legal aid programs; (3) local law libraries; and (4) <br />alternative juvenile programs including Teen Court, all as more specifically set forth in Section <br />939.185, Florida Statutes (2004); and <br />G. Funding innovations in the court system; local law libraries; and alternative juvenile <br />programs including Teen Court are programs that Indian River County has consistently supported <br />through court costs based on their value to the community; and <br />H . Funding legal aid programs is now considered a local requirement, pursuant to <br />subparagraph (2)(a)1 of section 29.008, Florida Statutes (2004); and <br />I. The additional funds allowed by section 939.185, Florida Statutes (2004) are necessary <br />for the court systems in Indian River County to maintain their high level of service to the Indian <br />River County community; and <br />F:\attorney\mef\courts\ORDINANCE for ARTICLE V COSTS.doc <br />2 <br />