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PART 111: CREATING NEW PARTS OF CHAPTER 305 OF THE CODE OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA. <br />Section 305.11. IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS IN CRIMINAL CASES <br />PURSUANT TO SECTION 939.185, FLORIDA STATUTES (2004). <br />Pursuant to the authority set forth in section 939.185, Florida Statutes (2004), an additional <br />court cost of Sixty -Five Dollars ($65.00) shall be imposed by the courts in Indian River County <br />when a person pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or is found guilty of, any felony, misdemeanor, <br />or criminal traffic offense under the Florida Statutes. The courts in Indian River County shall order <br />payment of these additional court costs in all matters as set forth in section 305.11 of this <br />Ordinance, but may defer payment if the person against whom the cost is imposed is indigent. The <br />additional court cost authorized pursuant to section 939.185, Florida Statutes (2004) shall be <br />collected by the Clerk and remitted to Indian River County for use in accordance with Section <br />305.12 of this Ordinance. <br />Section 305.12. USES OF ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS IN CRIMINAL CASES. <br />1. Funds received from the additional court cost set forth in section 305.11 of this <br />Ordinance shall be distributed as follows: <br />(A). Twenty-five percent (25%) shall be remitted to fund innovations to supplement funding <br />for the State court system in Indian River County consistent with Section 29.004, Florida Statutes <br />(2004) and to fund local requirements consistent with Section 29.008(2)(a) 2, Florida Statutes <br />(2004). <br />(B). Twenty-five percent (25%) shall be remitted to assist in providing legal aid programs in <br />Indian River County consistent with section 29.008(3), Florida Statutes (2004). <br />(C). Twenty-five percent (25%) shall be remitted to fund personnel and legal materials for <br />the public as part of law libraries in Indian River County. <br />F:\attorney\mef\courts\ORDINANCE for ARTICLE V COSTS.doc <br />7 <br />